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2013-07-12 aguoke 回答了问题, 请教高人:炸锡(锡孔)的原因及解决方法
2013-07-11 aguoke 回答了问题, 经济的 SPC 软件
Hi! Hyu, Thank you for your advice. But as I mentioned, it's not a solder paste process but a red glue process.
As you said, PCB is one factor we suspected. We did a test that heating the PCB with 80 degree 8hrs and then put these PCB into th...
我有infinityQS 2004, 超级强大的,转让,有兴趣的email 至 ezbiz86@yeah.net
5771 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-12
2805 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-11
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