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Pretty boy
广东 深圳 主页访问 : 4847 次
2013-07-12 chneleven 回答了问题, 客戶滿意度調查中因為產品定價高不滿意如何處理?
2013-07-12 chneleven 回答了问题, GRR分析求助
2013-07-12 chneleven 回答了问题, SMT的自动插件,带引脚的器件需要standoff支撑
2013-07-12 chneleven 回答了问题, 求助,电阻电容类的检验规定
2013-07-12 chneleven 回答了问题, 外资企业的BB/MBB的两年的血泪经历
you may ask design team to be involved in, take in consideration of aspect of package style, alternative raw material which lowe m...
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Standoff generally refer to the post of the component, to get a firm populated
Are you talking about MLCC? it's quite easy, as long as the developong of ceramic technology goes pretty mature and stable, expeci...
6sixgma, lean sixgma 都是一样长期艰苦的改善工作,良好的沟通能力是比不可少的. 楼主阅历可谓是滔滔大海深不见底,有空指点下小弟哦. My MSN: Flex_Rainbow@hotmail.com
2313 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-12
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