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吉林 主页访问 : 3083 次
2013-07-11 deer128 回答了问题, 别空谈,真正有本事来算一下RTY[讨论]
2013-07-11 deer128 回答了问题, about minitab
2013-07-11 deer128 回答了问题, 最新通知(Notice)
2013-07-11 deer128 回答了问题, What and how a quality engineer should do?
2013-07-11 deer128 回答了问题, Get Interested in Quality Managment
2013-07-11 deer128 回答了问题, hi,all, you must speak English at this area!!
I think it should be 32%.right? Oliver Master
i think it should be 28.8%. right?
Can you introduce some features about Spss. I have a Chinese version. but i don't what is the differences between spss and minitab...
I also have a suggestion . why not invite some english websites to link us. maybe one day we can held a forum together and share ...
I have the same idea as the above guy.but i think it is not easy to be as QE. especially in the old factory.
I suggest you can browse the english websit isixsigm.com,there are a lot of english article and basic tools for six sigma.
This is good idea to speak and discuss the sixsigma in English. we know: we are facing the many new materials in English .If you ...
3802 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-11
7471 次浏览 • 29 个关注 • 2013-07-11
4025 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-11
3456 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-11
3504 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-11
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