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广东 东莞 质量/质量相关 主页访问 : 5124 次
2013-12-28 colin_luo 回答了问题, 2014年大家的目标是什么?
2013-07-12 colin_luo 回答了问题, 恶魔和天使之间的富士康
2013-07-12 colin_luo 回答了问题, 在六西格玛黑带和注册质量经理面前,我选择了后者
2013-07-12 colin_luo 回答了问题, 用六西格玛谈恋爱
2013-07-12 colin_luo 回答了问题, 今年中质协的黑带注册认证
2014年工作计划: 1. 房子裝修; 2. 準備做爸爸; 3. 拿到驾驶证; 4. 英语口语锻炼; 5. 坚持阅读与写作。
In my opinion, if the enterprise could bring a good economic benefit or promote society development for a nation, no matter what m...
I have passed the national six sigma black belt and finished some GB and BB project, and want to join quality manager in 2011, but...
you are too ability for a classic article of six sigma lanuage to describe the lover.
thank LZ if you can share your experience of six sigma black belt defense, I had gained it in 2010 and planed to register it, fin...
1089 次浏览 • 3 个关注 • 2019-06-26
855 次浏览 • 1 个关注 • 2019-06-26
3619 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-12
23208 次浏览 • 249 个关注 • 2013-07-12
4260 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-12
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