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This is DannyChen,a project MANAGER in Solectron Corporation.
主页访问 : 1736 次
2013-07-11 cooldanny 回答了问题, [转帖]我对男朋友的要求
2013-07-11 cooldanny 回答了问题, [讨论]网友通讯录
2013-07-11 cooldanny 回答了问题, [闲聊]今年春节在哪过
2013-07-11 cooldanny 回答了问题, 你抽烟吗?
2013-07-11 cooldanny 回答了问题, 你相过亲吗?
oh.................. I am this kind of man. 偶尔看黄片,但不满脑子都是. 到处打听着买黄碟。 牙齿洁白整齐,very口臭
push! QQ:113017516 email: danny_chan6666#sina.com
go back home? No..........I have no home.......... i am a beggar
Smoking is harmful to your health and your wife. Please stay far away from women and children.
2893 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-11
5706 次浏览 • 0 个关注 • 2013-07-11
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