Intel 对供应商使用的Key words!
作为Intel 供应商所使用的Acronyms/Key words
AOQL The average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) is the maximum average outgoing quality (AOQ) for a given acceptance sampling plan for all levels of lot quality given that non-conforming lots are subjected to 100% inspection with replacement of non-conforming units with confirming units.
AQL Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL) are standard sampling plans for attributes (ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 or MIL STD 105) and variables (ANSI/ASQC Z1.9 or MIL STD 414).
BKM Best Known Method
C of C Certificate of Compliance - also CoC
Control parameters Control parameters: those that have not been identified as Key, but are necessary to maintain statistical control of a supplier’s or sub-supplier’s process step (spec limits are optional for these).
CPR Critical Process Response parameter (e.g., chemical etch rate, electro-plating deposition rate, etc.)
CPV Critical Process Variable parameter (e.g., process temperature, mixing speed, lamination pressure, etc.)
CTF Critical to Function - key product or process parameters
DRB Disposition Review Board for dispositioning questionable material (OOC or potentially abnormal)
FMEA Failure Mode/Effects Analysis
FQA Final Quality Assurance
FWP Final White Paper
Gage R&R Gage repeatability and reproducibility
IPP In-line Process Parameters
Key parameters Key parameters: those that are known to influence yield, reliability, or process performance of the product at Intel (these must also have spec limits).
LTPD Lot Tolerance Percent Defective (LTPD) sampling plans
LTS Long Term Stability
MCA Measurement Capability Analysis
MRB Material Review Board for dispositioning discrepant material (OOS)
OCAP Out of Control Action Plan
OJT On the Job Training
OOC Out of Control
OOS Out of Spec
PCP Process Control Plan
PCS Process Control System
PM Preventative Maintenance - Scheduled equipment maintanance
QIF Quality Incident-Free
QMS Quality Management System
QOS Quality Operating System
RFC Response Flow Checklist - similar to OCAP
SLI Supplier Lot Identifier
SPC Statistical Process Control
TPT Throughput Time
WIP Work in Process - production inventory within the factory or at a given operation
AOQL The average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) is the maximum average outgoing quality (AOQ) for a given acceptance sampling plan for all levels of lot quality given that non-conforming lots are subjected to 100% inspection with replacement of non-conforming units with confirming units.
AQL Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL) are standard sampling plans for attributes (ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 or MIL STD 105) and variables (ANSI/ASQC Z1.9 or MIL STD 414).
BKM Best Known Method
C of C Certificate of Compliance - also CoC
Control parameters Control parameters: those that have not been identified as Key, but are necessary to maintain statistical control of a supplier’s or sub-supplier’s process step (spec limits are optional for these).
CPR Critical Process Response parameter (e.g., chemical etch rate, electro-plating deposition rate, etc.)
CPV Critical Process Variable parameter (e.g., process temperature, mixing speed, lamination pressure, etc.)
CTF Critical to Function - key product or process parameters
DRB Disposition Review Board for dispositioning questionable material (OOC or potentially abnormal)
FMEA Failure Mode/Effects Analysis
FQA Final Quality Assurance
FWP Final White Paper
Gage R&R Gage repeatability and reproducibility
IPP In-line Process Parameters
Key parameters Key parameters: those that are known to influence yield, reliability, or process performance of the product at Intel (these must also have spec limits).
LTPD Lot Tolerance Percent Defective (LTPD) sampling plans
LTS Long Term Stability
MCA Measurement Capability Analysis
MRB Material Review Board for dispositioning discrepant material (OOS)
OCAP Out of Control Action Plan
OJT On the Job Training
OOC Out of Control
OOS Out of Spec
PCP Process Control Plan
PCS Process Control System
PM Preventative Maintenance - Scheduled equipment maintanance
QIF Quality Incident-Free
QMS Quality Management System
QOS Quality Operating System
RFC Response Flow Checklist - similar to OCAP
SLI Supplier Lot Identifier
SPC Statistical Process Control
TPT Throughput Time
WIP Work in Process - production inventory within the factory or at a given operation
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糖柏猪 (威望:0) (江苏 苏州) 电子制造 工程师