
Sad? Happy?

Don't worry about quality, don't feel bad of your job. Quality is forever, and it will come into into operator's heart deeply and deepky, none can say he can promise there is no problem in quality, just for we hanker for perfection.
Since I devote myself into Quality Control and Quality Assurance, I always tell me you can do some thing for you job, don't abandon.
Sometimes I feel QC or QA is disability in a company, reply claim, work together with inspectors, compile some document, etc. But now I try to do how to control parts conformity, this target can be seen ererywhere, this target spend me a lot of time, could you believe?
Try to do some useful things for you job, try to do you job actually, conquer everyone, everything block you, could you try to do it? Quality is a simple but not easy job.

黑梦 (威望:0) (江苏 昆山) 电子制造 主管


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