1、 准备阶段(phase1, preparation)
⑴ 设计目标 (design targets))
⑵ 质量、可靠性目标(quality and reliability targets)
⑶ 初始物料清单(preliminary material list)
⑷ 初始工艺流程(preliminary process flowchart)
⑸ 产品先期策划(advanced quality planning)
⑹ 供方产品开发人员、设备合格确认(supplier certification of involved design and production facilities)
⑺ 供方管理支持 (supplier management commitment)
⒉ 产品设计、开发确认
⑴ 设计DFMEA(Design FMEA)
⑵ 制造设计、装配设计、实验设计(design for manufacturing、design for assembly、design for test )
⑶ 设计评审确认(design reviews and verification)
⑷ 样品制作控制计划(prototype control plan)
⑸ 工程图纸、规范制定(drawings and specification modifications)
⑹ 物料规范(material specification)
⑺ 工程图纸、规范的更改(drawings and specification for product and processes)
⑻ 产品及制作工艺的特殊参数确定(special characteristics for product and processes)
⑼ 检查、实验设备及制作工具、设备要求(inspection test equipment and tools manufacturing equipment requirements)
⑽ 实验计划(out-going test plan)
⒊ 工艺设计、开发确认(process design and development verification)
⑴ 产品工艺评审(product flow review)
⑵ 工艺流程图(process flow chart)
⑶ 生产布置及主要参数控制一览表(production lay-out and characteristics)
⑷ 工艺设计FMEA(process FMEA)
⑸ 投产前的产品控制计划(control plan for pre-launch)
⑹ 作业指导书的制定(process instruction)
⑺ 测量系统分析(analysis plan for measurement system)
⑻ 初始工序能力研究(preliminary process capability study plan)
⑼ 包装规范(packaging assessment)
⒋ 产品工艺有效性验证(product and process validation)
⑴ 试产计划(production trials)
⑵ 测试系统评估(measurement system assessment)
⑶ 实际工序能力研究(process capability)
⑷ 生产件批准(production part approval)
⑸ 试产工艺评估(process audit)
⑹ 包装评估(packaging assessment)
⑺ 正式控制计划完成(production control plan)
⑻ 产品策划文件完成客户供方签字确认(production quality planning sign-off)
⑼ 零件在客户产品上应用合格批准(joint application approval)
⑽ 客户、供方协商的PPM值(PPM co-operation)
⒌ 客户反馈及改善对策(feed-back and corrective actions)
⑴ 变差数量的减少(variation reductions)
⑵ PPM管理运用(PPM management)
⑶ 客户组装现场反馈及改善要求(fcr)
⑷ 8D报告完成(8D reporting)
1、 准备阶段(phase1, preparation)
⑴ 设计目标 (design targets))
⑵ 质量、可靠性目标(quality and reliability targets)
⑶ 初始物料清单(preliminary material list)
⑷ 初始工艺流程(preliminary process flowchart)
⑸ 产品先期策划(advanced quality planning)
⑹ 供方产品开发人员、设备合格确认(supplier certification of involved design and production facilities)
⑺ 供方管理支持 (supplier management commitment)
⒉ 产品设计、开发确认
⑴ 设计DFMEA(Design FMEA)
⑵ 制造设计、装配设计、实验设计(design for manufacturing、design for assembly、design for test )
⑶ 设计评审确认(design reviews and verification)
⑷ 样品制作控制计划(prototype control plan)
⑸ 工程图纸、规范制定(drawings and specification modifications)
⑹ 物料规范(material specification)
⑺ 工程图纸、规范的更改(drawings and specification for product and processes)
⑻ 产品及制作工艺的特殊参数确定(special characteristics for product and processes)
⑼ 检查、实验设备及制作工具、设备要求(inspection test equipment and tools manufacturing equipment requirements)
⑽ 实验计划(out-going test plan)
⒊ 工艺设计、开发确认(process design and development verification)
⑴ 产品工艺评审(product flow review)
⑵ 工艺流程图(process flow chart)
⑶ 生产布置及主要参数控制一览表(production lay-out and characteristics)
⑷ 工艺设计FMEA(process FMEA)
⑸ 投产前的产品控制计划(control plan for pre-launch)
⑹ 作业指导书的制定(process instruction)
⑺ 测量系统分析(analysis plan for measurement system)
⑻ 初始工序能力研究(preliminary process capability study plan)
⑼ 包装规范(packaging assessment)
⒋ 产品工艺有效性验证(product and process validation)
⑴ 试产计划(production trials)
⑵ 测试系统评估(measurement system assessment)
⑶ 实际工序能力研究(process capability)
⑷ 生产件批准(production part approval)
⑸ 试产工艺评估(process audit)
⑹ 包装评估(packaging assessment)
⑺ 正式控制计划完成(production control plan)
⑻ 产品策划文件完成客户供方签字确认(production quality planning sign-off)
⑼ 零件在客户产品上应用合格批准(joint application approval)
⑽ 客户、供方协商的PPM值(PPM co-operation)
⒌ 客户反馈及改善对策(feed-back and corrective actions)
⑴ 变差数量的减少(variation reductions)
⑵ PPM管理运用(PPM management)
⑶ 客户组装现场反馈及改善要求(fcr)
⑷ 8D报告完成(8D reporting)
10 个回复
maggiey (威望:3) - 活泼开朗有干劲