

精益生产的概念和基本原则The concept and principle of lean production
精益生产的历史:TPS及其演变The history of lean production: TPS and its changing
精益生产的原则The principle of lean production: 价值和浪费;快速响应客户Value and Muda, quick response
精益生产的思想Lean production thinking: 追求完美和持续改善Seek perfect and continuous improvement
七大浪费 7-Muda
精益生产的组织The organization of lean production:小组工作法 Group job methods
精益生产的基础The fundamental of leano production 5S
5S的含义The meaning of 5S:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, and SEITSUKE
5S的推行方法The implement methods for 5S
5S的实务技巧 5S implement skills
5S实施过程的优化 5S implement process optimizing
准时化生产的基础The fundamental of JIT production
流线化生产Flowo production
流线化生产与批量生产的区别The differences between flow production and batch manufacturing
流线化生产的八个条件 8-condition for flow production
单元设计Cellular layout
流线化生产的设备选择Equipment selecting for flow production
看板管理Kanban managemento
什么是看板What is Kanban
看板的实施方法The implement methods for Kanban
实施看板管理的限制条件The limited condition of Kanban management implement
快速换线的理念 The idea of SMED
内部作业与外部作业的分离Separate the-operation between outside and inside
将内部作业转化为外部作业Turn the inside-operation to outside operation
作业的优化Operation optimizing
精益生产的设备管理Equipment management in lean production TPM
TPM的概念和发展The concept and development of TPM
故障的种类与预防Breakdown types and its prevention
TPM的设备基础管理Equipment essential management of TPM
TPM的八大支柱8 columns of TPM
TPM实施的十三步骤13 phases for TPM implementing
案例分析Case studyo
工厂5S分析(根据现场拍摄照片)Workshop 5S analysis (depends on photos taken from on-site)
工厂生产线设置分析Production line layout analysis
快速换线案例分析Case study for SMED
TPM案例分析 Case analysis for TPM
精益生产的概念和基本原则The concept and principle of lean production
精益生产的历史:TPS及其演变The history of lean production: TPS and its changing
精益生产的原则The principle of lean production: 价值和浪费;快速响应客户Value and Muda, quick response
精益生产的思想Lean production thinking: 追求完美和持续改善Seek perfect and continuous improvement
七大浪费 7-Muda
精益生产的组织The organization of lean production:小组工作法 Group job methods
精益生产的基础The fundamental of lean production 5S
5S的含义The meaning of 5S:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, and SEITSUKE
5S的推行方法The implement methods for 5S
5S的实务技巧 5S implement skills
5S实施过程的优化 5S implement process optimizing
准时化生产的基础The fundamental of JIT production
流线化生产Flow production
流线化生产与批量生产的区别The differences between flow production and batch manufacturing
流线化生产的八个条件 8-condition for flow production
单元设计Cellular layout
流线化生产的设备选择Equipment selecting for flow production
看板管理Kanban management
什么是看板What is Kanban
看板的实施方法The implement methods for Kanban
实施看板管理的限制条件The limited condition of Kanban management implement
快速换线的理念 The idea of SMED
内部作业与外部作业的分离Separate the operation between outside and inside
将内部作业转化为外部作业Turn the inside operation to outside operation
作业的优化Operation optimizing
精益生产的设备管理Equipment management in lean production TPM
TPM的概念和发展The concept and development of TPM
故障的种类与预防Breakdown types and its prevention
TPM的设备基础管理Equipment essential management of TPM
TPM的八大支柱8 columns of TPM
TPM实施的十三步骤13 phases for TPM implementing
案例分析Case study
工厂5S分析(根据现场拍摄照片)Workshop 5S analysis (depends on photos taken from on-site)
工厂生产线设置分析Production line layout analysis
快速换线案例分析Case study for SMED
TPM案例分析 Case analysis for TPM
快速换线介绍Introduction to Quick Changeover
均衡生产Level production
快速换线的目的Goals of Quick Changeover
快速换线和JIT的关系QCO and JIT
批量生产与均衡生产Batch production and level production
快速换线的好处The benefits from QCO
换线时间和换线中的浪费Change time and waste in changeover operations
内部和外部换线时间Internal and External Change Time
内部换线时间转化Internal Change Time Conversion
换线时间公式Changeover time formula
七种浪费Seven kinds of waste
换线作业中的浪费Waste in changeover operations
换线改进流程步骤Changeover improvement process steps
快速换线改善小组QCO team
快速换线六大步骤The six steps QCO
区分外部和内部Separate external from internal
内部换线外部化Convert internal to external
使用功能化工装夹具Use functional fixtures & jigs
消除调整Eliminate adjustment
采用功能化标准Adopt functional standards
协同工作Work in parallel
换线小窍门Tips for QCO application

hucanfei (威望:3) (广东 深圳) 在校学生 其它 - 来自湖南的一匹独狼,广西、浙江、广东、江苏都有我...


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