
人力资源管理程序 (FYI)

送大家一个程序批评批评, 不要客气哦 :)

1. Purpose:
为使每个岗位员工都有正确的能力, 正确的行为,正确的态度。

2. Scope:
Apply to all jobs that affect product quality or significant environment aspects.
3. Reference:
《培训管理程序》 <Training Management Procedure>
4. Definitions:
4.1 管理层岗位:在本文件中指Specialist, 经理,及更高级别的员工。
Management Job: In this document it refers to specialists, managers, and other higher-level employees.
5. HR Policy:
5.1 管理层岗位员工若不遵守公司工作原则,则树立错误的榜样,若对工作没有热情,则散布消极情绪,他们是公司的肿瘤。公司尽力尽早识别这些人, 以帮助他们找到适合自己的工作,从而达到双赢。
The management jobholder, if they don’t follow the company’s work principles, they set bad examples; if they are not interested in their current jobs, they spread negative emotion. They are the cancers of the company. The company will try its best to identify these people in the advanced stage, to help them find a proper job, so that we both can win.
5.2 公司奖励实践公司工作原则的,有能力的,并且能够完成任务的每一个员工。
The company rewards every employee who follows the company’s work principles, is competent, and can accomplish his/her job assignment.
6. Responsibilities and Authorities:
6.1 岗位主管:负责提出人力资源申请, 负责确定新员工是否具有需要的能力,该员工是否能接受公司的工作原则。
The Job’s supervisor is responsible for applying for human resource, judging if the new employee’s competence meets the requirement, and if the new employee is susceptible to the company’s work principles.
6.1.1 岗位主管为其直接管理的非管理岗位员工的能力,行为负全责。
The job’s supervisor takes full responsibility for non-management job employee’s competence and behavior.
6.1.2 岗位主管为其直接管理的管理人员的能力负全责,行为负部分责任。
The job’s supervisor takes full responsibility for the competence of the management job personnel under his/her supervision, part responsibility for their behavior.
6.2 总经理负责批准人力资源申请,并面试、鼓励、观察、评估管理人员。
GM is responsible for authorizing human resource application, and interviewing, encouraging, observing, appraising management job personnel.
6.2.1 总经理为其直接管理的管理人员的能力,行为负责。
GM takes full responsibility for the competence and behavior of the management job personnel that is under his direct supervision.
6.2.2 总经理为其它管理人员(非直接下属)的行为负部分责任。
GM takes part responsibility for the behavior of the management job personnel that is not under his direct supervision.
7. Process Steps (见图1)

8. Define HR Need (确定人力资源需求)
8.1 产生人力资源需求
Human Resource need arise
8.1.1 公司组织结构调整,产生新的工作岗位,产生人力资源的需求。
Company adjust organizational chart, create new job and need human resource.
8.1.2 公司单位工作执掌调整,部分单位工作量增大,产生人力资源的需求。
Company adjust department’s job function, increase some department’s workload, and need human resource.
8.1.3 公司业务的发展,部分单位的工作量增大,产生人力资源的需求。
As the business grow, some department’s workload increase, and need human resource.
8.2 岗位主管应决定新人的能力需求,填写《资源申请表》,简述该能力需求,请总经理审批。
The job’s supervisor decides HR competence needs, fill in <Resource Request Form>, brief the competence needs, and ask GM for approval.
8.3 总经理批准后,岗位主管转该资源申请表给HR,并依据HR的要求提供需要的信息, 如工作执掌,能力要求,性格要求等。
After GM’s Approval, the job’s supervisor forwards the form to HR, and supplies the information as required by HR, such as job function, competence need, characteristics, etc.
9. The Sifting (筛选过程)
9.1 为向厂内员工提供一个事业发展的机会,鼓励他(她)们安心在自己的岗位上工作,公司在为新工作招聘员工时,首先考虑公司内的员工。
In order to provide a career development opportunity to the employees in this company, so that they don’t worry about their own future, when new job is available, the company first considers employees who work in the company.
9.2 HR根据岗位主管的描述做出判断,是否有可能在公司内找到合适的人选。只有在公司内不可能找到合适的人选, 或时间来不及的情况下,方可直接向社会招聘。
HR makes a judgment about whether we can find the right person in the company according to job’s supervisor’s description. Only after HR concludes that we can’t recruit right employee in the company, or the time is not affordable, can HR recruit from the society directly.
9.3 公司内员工若有意转岗,必须在自己的工作上有中等以上的表现。若经HR初步评审合格,新岗位主管评审合格,其直接主管不得阻拦。新岗位主管可与该员工直接主管协商一个过渡期,以便该员工的主管做出适当的安排。
If an employee in the company intends to change his/her job, he/she must have above-average performance in his current job. If he/she passes HR’s sifting, and the job’s supervisor’s appraisal, his/her direct supervisor can’t hold him/her. The new job’s supervisor and the employee’s direct supervisor then negotiate a pass-over time, so that the employee’s direct supervisor can make proper arrangement.
9.4 从社会招聘员工时,HR应根据收到的申请数量对收到的简历做一个简单的筛选,以除去不满足岗位基本要求的申请, 同时保留适当数量的候选人。
When recruiting from the society, HR should sift the CVs according to the number of received CVs, so that the job’s supervisor has proper number of qualified candidates to select.
10. The Direct Supervisor’s Interview (直接主管面试)
10.1 岗位主管面试岗位候选人,判断该候选人是否具有适当的能力, 是否诚实,事业发展方向是与其工作匹配。岗位主管的面试侧重于员工的能力。适当兼顾候选人的事业发展方向。
The job’s supervisor interviews the job’s candidate, judging if the candidate is competent, honest, and his/her career goal is aligned with the job. The job’s supervisor’s interview emphasizes the candidate’s competence, and also gives consideration to the candidate’s career goal.
10.2 如果岗位主管判断该候选人不合格,HR应提供其它候选人的简历。
If the job’s supervisor concludes that the candidate is unqualified, HR should provide other candidates.
11. The GM’s Interview (总经理面试)
11.1 如果该岗位属管理岗位,则总经理应亲自面试候选人。
If it is a management job, then the GM should interview the candidate personally.
11.2 总经理面试关注重点在于候选人的行为和态度,如是否正直(诚实,守信)、能否接受公司的工作方针,适当兼顾候选人的能力和兴趣。
The GM’s Interview emphasizes the candidate’s behavior and attitude, for example, does the candidate has integrity (honest and keeps his/her word) and is susceptible to the company’s work principle? The GM also gives consideration to the candidate’s competence and interest.
11.3 好的候选人应具有以下特征:
Good candidates should have the following characteristics:
11.3.1 坦诚:说话、做事直接可省去多余的猜测和调查,因而更有效率
Candor: Speaking and doing things straightforward can save a lot of guesswork and investigation therefore is more efficient.
11.3.2 无边界:在能够完成自己工作的基础上,愿意做超出自己职责范围的事,愿意帮助其他人完成任务。
Boundless: under the promise of being able to finish his/her own job, these people are willing to do things that are out of his job function, and willing to help others to accomplish their tasks.
11.3.3 能力:指可展示出需要的技能或出示客观证据以证明可达成某项任务。
Competency: refer to the ability to demonstrate skills or objective evidence to show the ability to accomplish a task.
11.3.4 激情:这种人的工作、与他们的兴趣、以及他们的事业目标是一致的,因而提高自己的工作同时也是在提高自己,因而这种人会主动把自己的工作做好。
Passion: These people have aligned their work, their interest and their career goal together, so improving their work is also improving themselves, therefore these people will take initiative to do their job better.
11.3.5 成熟:这种人为自己的工作负责,能够做出困难的决策,乐意与知识更丰富的人一起工作,尊重上级,不散布悲观情绪。
Mature: These people take responsibility for their work, able to make difficult decisions, willing to surround themselves with people better and smarter then they are, show respect to the supervisor, and don’t disseminate negative emotions.
11.4 如果总经理判断该候选人不合格,HR应提供其它候选人的简历。
If the GM concludes that the candidate is not proper, HR should provide other candidates.
12. Recruit (招入)
12.1 在岗位主管(和/或总经理)确认接受该候选人后, HR即可把该员工正式招入。HR向新员工简单介绍公司的情况。
After the job’s supervisor (and/or GM) confirms they accept this candidate, HR can recruit this candidate. HE should brief the company to the new recruit.
13. The Probation (试用期间)
13.1 在此阶段,新员工在资深员工或直接上司的指导下工作。公司与新员工彼此之间逐渐相互了解
At this stage, the new employee works under the supervision of senior employee or direct supervisor. The company and the new employee start to learn each other.
13.2 岗位主管(和/或总经理)会仔细观察,确认该新员工是否有能力,是否能实践公司原则,是否有激情等,从而确认该员工是否称职。
The job’s supervisor (and/or GM) will closely observe, validating if the new employee is competent, passionate, can follow the company’s work principle, so they can know if the new employee is suitable for the job.
13.3 若被发现不称职,HR负责解雇该员工,并提供适当的候选人。
If the new employee is found not suitable, HR is responsible for firing him/her, and providing proper candidates.
14. Formal membership (正式员工)
14.1 通过试用期的员工需要继续遵守公司的程序、工作原则、方针、目标等。岗位主管(和/或总经理)继续每天鼓励,观察、评估该员工。
The employees who passed the probation need continue following the company’s procedures, work principles, policies, objectives etc. The job’s supervisor (and/or GM) continue encouraging, challenging, observing, appraising the employee.
14.2 管理层岗位员工的评估
Management jobholder’s performance review
14.2.1 总经理负责管理层岗位员工的表现评估
GM is responsible for reviewing the management jobholder’s performance
14.2.2 总经理做分层审核的记录可作为管理岗位人员表现评估的依据。
GM may appraise management jobholder’s performance according to his layered process audit result.
14.2.3 总经理在做管理层岗位员工的表现评估时,应考虑该岗位直接主管的意见、及项目组长的意见。见图3:
When reviewing the management jobholder’s performance, GM should consider the opinion of the job’s direct supervisor, and the opinion of the project leaders. See picture 3:

14.2.4 为保证管理层员工的质量,公司采用20-70-10原则。即表现突出的前20%员工会得到较大的奖赏。70%的员工得到适当的鼓励,和帮助。表现差的10%员工需要寻找其它工作。
In order to ensure management jobholder’s quality, the company adopts 20-70-10 rule, which means the 20% top performers would be lavishly rewarded, middle 70% would get proper encouragement and help, and the bottom 10% performers would be let go.
14.2.5 每位员工的表现取决于公司整体的表现,该员工所属团队的表现,及该员工本人表现。参考基准为同行业标杆公司类似单位的表现, 或公司过去的表现。换言之,目标的作用仅在于提供一个努力的方向,而不再是员工绩效考核的唯一依据。
Every employee’s performance is dependant on the performance of the whole company, the team, and the employee himself/herself, when compared with the similar function of benchmarked companies, or the company’s past performance. In other words, objective’s role is only for providing a direction, no longer the only criterion for employee’s performance evaluation.
14.2.6 解雇
Let go 对于遵守公司的工作原则,坦诚、成熟的员工,若仅因为能力不够而被归类为表现差的10%员工。公司应考虑给该类员工第二个机会, 如调职, 或降级, 或调整工作执掌等。
If an employee who follows the company’s work principle, candor, and mature, is classified as bottom 10% performers only because of insufficient competence, the company should consider giving him/her a second chance, such as changing his/her job, downgrading, or adjusting job functions, etc.
14.3 非管理层岗位的评估
Non-management job’s performance review
14.3.1 不使用20-70-10原则。各主管可依据分层审核记录做出适当的判断。除非该员工违反法律,或违反公司规定并给其他人造成较大的不良影响,或多次违反规定而被直接主管判定为不求上进的, 公司不应解雇。
The 20-70-10 rule doesn’t apply. The supervisors can make a proper judgment according to the layered process audit result. The company should not fire an employee unless the employee violates laws, or violates company rules and causes big negative influence on others, or violate company rules many times that the direct supervisor has concluded that this employee had given up trying.
15. Record (记录)
15.1 人力资源申请记录(格式: 《资源申请表》)
Human Resource Request Record (Form: <Resource Request Form>)
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renhy1973 (威望:12) (浙江 杭州) 汽车制造相关 主管



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