《夺面双雄》的精彩对白 {V{V{V
香港名导演吴宇森(John Woo)勇闯好莱坞五载,继《终极镖靶》、《断箭行动》后,拍出《夺面双雄》(Face/Off),在美国十分叫座。
现在先介绍男主角尊特拉华达(John Travo-ta)一段别开生面的独白供各位赏析:
I've been ,um, chasing this guy ever since I joinde the force.(我一加入警队就追捕这家伙)He,
he has no conscience and he ,uh, he shows no, no remorse.(他没有良知,也毫无悔意.)He's
...the mastrmind behined numerous bombings and political assassinations.(他策划过多次爆炸事件与政治谋杀。)He
has a felony list a mile long.(他犯案如山,不可胜数。)Murder, arson ,kidnap-ping,
terrorism,you name it .(谋杀、纵火、绑架、恐怖活动,罄竹难书。)He's the most dangerous and
brilliant criminal mind I've ever known.(是我所遇见过的最危险、最机智的罪犯。)For years I've
been watching him, tracking him, studying his every, every move.(多年来我一直监视他,追踪他,研究他的每一步行动。)I
know his every ...every mannerism, uh ,facial tic ,gesture.(我了解他的每一种癖性,每一下面部的跳动,甚至每个动作。)I
know him better than be knows himself and now after all this time, I've
finally figured out a way to trap him 。(我比他更了解他自己,经过长期研究,我终于想出一个缉捕他的方法。)
香港名导演吴宇森(John Woo)勇闯好莱坞五载,继《终极镖靶》、《断箭行动》后,拍出《夺面双雄》(Face/Off),在美国十分叫座。
现在先介绍男主角尊特拉华达(John Travo-ta)一段别开生面的独白供各位赏析:
I've been ,um, chasing this guy ever since I joinde the force.(我一加入警队就追捕这家伙)He,
he has no conscience and he ,uh, he shows no, no remorse.(他没有良知,也毫无悔意.)He's
...the mastrmind behined numerous bombings and political assassinations.(他策划过多次爆炸事件与政治谋杀。)He
has a felony list a mile long.(他犯案如山,不可胜数。)Murder, arson ,kidnap-ping,
terrorism,you name it .(谋杀、纵火、绑架、恐怖活动,罄竹难书。)He's the most dangerous and
brilliant criminal mind I've ever known.(是我所遇见过的最危险、最机智的罪犯。)For years I've
been watching him, tracking him, studying his every, every move.(多年来我一直监视他,追踪他,研究他的每一步行动。)I
know his every ...every mannerism, uh ,facial tic ,gesture.(我了解他的每一种癖性,每一下面部的跳动,甚至每个动作。)I
know him better than be knows himself and now after all this time, I've
finally figured out a way to trap him 。(我比他更了解他自己,经过长期研究,我终于想出一个缉捕他的方法。)
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jpzhang (威望:0) (广东 广州) 纺织业 经理