I tell you guys, Quality is a huge topic
Never expect that you can master it within 3 years! Even 6 years.
When you learn a new thing specially like quality issues with a broad coverage, you canot also expect to get you mind clear at the right begining of your learning.
Quality needs the knowledge of Management of Manufacturing or Service, Maths, Human resource, Finance, and even your interpersonal skills and so on so forth.
Stick to learn it, do not stop, get involved in real projects, your guys are gonna be masters.
When you learn a new thing specially like quality issues with a broad coverage, you canot also expect to get you mind clear at the right begining of your learning.
Quality needs the knowledge of Management of Manufacturing or Service, Maths, Human resource, Finance, and even your interpersonal skills and so on so forth.
Stick to learn it, do not stop, get involved in real projects, your guys are gonna be masters.
2 个回复
byron125 (威望:0) (山东 青岛) 电子制造 经理 - 不以物喜;不以己悲