用 QFD 必要有的修养
QFD 看来简单,但是,大意或无知,在运用上很容出差错以致劳民伤财,徒勞无功,我们不可不防。在我看来,用QFD 的必要有的修养有下列四项:1. Kano Analysis; 2. Gemba visits and analysis; 3. AHP; and 4. “WHATs” must possess the property of collectively exhaustive and mutually exclusive。
又:传统的 4-Phase 方法根本是以讹传讹,仅供参考而已。
请参考: http://bbs.6sq.net/thread-149661-1-1.html
又:传统的 4-Phase 方法根本是以讹传讹,仅供参考而已。
请参考: http://bbs.6sq.net/thread-149661-1-1.html
4 个回复
洛客 (威望:13) (海外 海外) 咨询业 总监
是的,传统式的 4-Phase 方法根本是以讹传讹,Yoji Akao 祢这是幼稚园式的 QFD。
The so-called "kindergarten mistake" as once published by QFD Institute:
In 2000, Akao instructed Mazur to rejuvenate how QFD was being practiced in the West in order to resolve complaints that it consumed too much time for the knowledge delivered. A major problem was that most books and training required that teams perform 4 Phases of linked matrices (planning, parts, manufacturing, and production) that were impossible to complete with the time and resources available in today's "right-sized" companies. Their needs were obvious - more knowledge in less time. 传统的 "四个阶段方法" 是使 QFD 不被采用的大问题。
The so-called 4-Phase method mentioned above simply could not do this job. Why? It had been derived in 1983 from a reliability study done on a copy machine component causing a paper feed problem. It was most useful in projects solving known problems with existing built-to-print components. The 4-Phase approach was never intended for new products, system or end product design, or non-assembled products, such as chemicals, services, or software. 这四个阶段方法绝不是为新产品而设。Yet, it was widely disseminated by those with limited QFD skills because it was easy to explain and simple, which proved to be its undoing. No wonder, early proponents of this 4-Phase model often referred to it as "Kindergarten QFD."