for Nadcap accreditation - you need a valid quality system as stated in NOP-002. You will also need to pass the special process audit (ex. HT - 7102 and slashsheets as they apply to your business).
The valid quality system will be looked at at the time of scheduling of the audit. If you have a valid AS9100 from a registrar listed on the OASIS website, that covers the quality system requirement. IF you do not have a valid quality system at the time of your special process audit, then you will receive (and pay for) an AC7004 audit. This will cover the quality system requirement.
2 个回复
hackyue (威望:0) (山东 青岛) 机械制造 工程师
The valid quality system will be looked at at the time of scheduling of the audit. If you have a valid AS9100 from a registrar listed on the OASIS website, that covers the quality system requirement. IF you do not have a valid quality system at the time of your special process audit, then you will receive (and pay for) an AC7004 audit. This will cover the quality system requirement.