(以下信息将会出现在测试报告中,请仔细填写, The following information will be written in the test report, please fill it out carefully.)
1.公司信息(Company Particulars)
委托方(Company name):
委托人(Contact person): 职务(Title):
电话(Phone no.): 传真(Fax no.):
2.样品信息(Sample Particulars)
样品名称(Sample name): 型号规格(Sample type):
样品数量(No. of sample): 样品编号(Sample No. ):
样品尺寸(Sample size): 样品重量(Sample weight):
送样日期(Sample submission date):
(Samples after test are to be): □ 委托方取回(Collected by Company)
□ 测试方寄送(Delivered to Company by the lab)
□ 测试方处理 (Disposed by the lab on completion of service)
3.测试项目(Test Items)
□振动(Vibration) □温度&振动(Temperature&Vibration)
□冲击(Shock) □温度&湿度&振动(Temperature&Humidity&Vibration)
□盐雾(Salt spray) □其他(Others, please specify ):
4.测试要求(Test Requirement)
2 个回复
clarksjtv (威望:0) (上海 松江)
赞同来自: xyx09711
(以下信息将会出现在测试报告中,请仔细填写, The following information will be written in the test report, please fill it out carefully.)
1.公司信息(Company Particulars)
委托方(Company name):
委托人(Contact person): 职务(Title):
电话(Phone no.): 传真(Fax no.):
2.样品信息(Sample Particulars)
样品名称(Sample name): 型号规格(Sample type):
样品数量(No. of sample): 样品编号(Sample No. ):
样品尺寸(Sample size): 样品重量(Sample weight):
送样日期(Sample submission date):
(Samples after test are to be): □ 委托方取回(Collected by Company)
□ 测试方寄送(Delivered to Company by the lab)
□ 测试方处理 (Disposed by the lab on completion of service)
3.测试项目(Test Items)
□振动(Vibration) □温度&振动(Temperature&Vibration)
□冲击(Shock) □温度&湿度&振动(Temperature&Humidity&Vibration)
□盐雾(Salt spray) □其他(Others, please specify ):
4.测试要求(Test Requirement)
附加说明(Additional declaration):
测试进度要求(Test schedule requirement):
报告(Report):□需要(Required) □不需要(Not required ) □其他(Others):
5.确定以上信息(Confirm the above information)
委托方签字(Signature): 日期(Date):
- 以下由测试方人员填写(To be filled by laboratory personnel)
报价单号(Quotation no.): 作业编号(Job no.):接单人(Project received by):
接收人(Received by): 核准 核准人(Approved by):
日期(Date): 日期(Date): 日期: 日期(Date):