[原创]Communication? Original Creation? Experience
When I was on internet especially, we can learn many things from them. More... I was thinking, what did I learn? what had I lost?
To learn something is easy and difficult, you didn't have the same experience as the original ones and you cannot trust them fully or not. sometimes, it's burden instead of help.
President Jiang has always boost up the spirit of innovation. In fact, it's just doing one thing in the actual circumstances. Not from the old data and old circumstances.
Welcome your own building and solution! That's the best no matter small or giant.
To learn something is easy and difficult, you didn't have the same experience as the original ones and you cannot trust them fully or not. sometimes, it's burden instead of help.
President Jiang has always boost up the spirit of innovation. In fact, it's just doing one thing in the actual circumstances. Not from the old data and old circumstances.
Welcome your own building and solution! That's the best no matter small or giant.
4 个回复
tony_chan (威望:3)