


1 目的
2 范围
3 职责
3.1 质量部负责法律法规及相关要求的识别、获取和更新,并制定公司适用的法律法规清单,将信息传递到各相关部门并保持实施和按照规定存档。
3.2 各部门负责本部门的法律法规的识别及收集,制定适用的本部门的法律法规清单,并经部门负责人审核,管理者代表批准后交质量部备案。
3.3 管理者代表负责对法律法规进行适用性审批。
4 程序
4.1 质量部负责获取环境管理体系标准,有关消防保卫、安全、有关化学品的使用、管理及负责获取有关噪声、污染物排放标准、规定等环境保护法律、法规和其他要求。生产维修部负责获取有关生产设备使用、有关化学品使用安全方面和有关节能方面的法律法规和其他要求。销售负责获取市场上对合同方面所需的环境法律、法规和他要求。
4.2 各部门通过与国家、地区及行业主管部门、刊物、网络及其他途径获取相关法律法规与其他要求的文件,质量部与使用部门确定其适用性并制定《适用法律法规和其他要求一览表》经管理者代表审批后存档。
4.3 法律法规和其他要求的选择与确认
4.4 法律法规要求的实施
a) 质量部将《适用法律法规和其他要求一览表》报管理者代表审批,审批通过后,按受控文件管理方法发放至各部门。
b) 质量部做好法律法规及其他要求原件的登记、保存工作,并负责将《适用法律法规和其他要求一览表》中的文件进行针对性的摘要,而后将摘要内容分发到公司相关部门。
c) 各部门要组织学习与本部门相关的适用法律法规及其他要求,质量部每年内部审核时对法律法规和其他要求的执行情况进行检查,确保公司的活动及表现与法律法规和其他要求相符。
4.5 文件的发布保存按《文件控制程序》执行,有关记录按《记录控制程序》执行。
4.6 质量部应每月上网查询相关环境法律法规的更新情况,若有法律法规与其他要求更新或废止时,应对更新的法律法规与其他要求重新进行识别并审批其适用性。
4.7 质量部每半年按本程序4.1要求查找获取一次,如需要或必要时执行本程序4.2、4.3,确保法律法规的适时更新并适用。
5 相关文件
5.1 《文件控制程序》
5.2 《记录控制程序》
6 记录
6.1 《适用法律法规和其他一览表》
1. Purpose
To acquire, identify, affirm the applicable legal and other requirements, to offer legal reasons for the establishment of EMS.
2. Scope:
The procedure applies To acquire, identify, affirm the applicable legal and other requirements.
3. Responsibilities:
3.1 Quality Dept. is responsible for the identification, acquirement and renewal of the legal and other requirements, to set down the list of requirements, and communicate it to relevant departments, in order to maintain and filing.
3.2 Each department is responsible for identification and collection of relevant regulations list of respective department ,the list is verified by the director of the department, approved by the MR .
3.3 MR is responsible for the adaptability of the list.

    []Operation content: [/]
4.1 Quality Dept is responsible for the access to EMS standard, regulations on fire control, safety, chemicals, noise, standard for discharge of pollutants and other requirements. Production Dept. is responsible for the access to regulations on using of equipments, chemicals, and energy saving and other requirements. Commercial Dept. is responsible for the access to environment regulations originate from the contracts.

4.2 Each department can acquire these regulations by communicating to the local environmental protection departments or relevant journals ,or internet and other ways. Quality dept. and the applicable department assure the applicability of the regulations and establish <applicable list of legal and other requirement>,after approved by the MR then filing by the QualityDept.

4.3 Select and confirmation of the list
Quality Dept .looks through the collective regulations ,reviews the list, and confirms the applicable regulations.
4.4 Implementation
a)Quality Dept. submits the list to MR for approval, and issuance of it to relevant department according to <Document Control>.
b)Quality Dept. keeps the original of the list, and collects the summary of the regulations , distributes it to relevant departments.
c)Each department should organize study the legal and other requirements ,QualityDept. should check the implementation status in the annual internal audit, to assure the activities and performance in company are in compliance with the regulations.
4.5 Distribution and retain should apply to <Document Control>, <Record Control >.
4.6 Quality Dept. should check the status of the regulations, to keep it up to the date ,if there is change, Quality Dept. should identify and confirm,verify,approve the applicability of the regulation again.
4.7 Quality Dept. should review and update the regulations described in the 4.1 once very half-year, if necessary, should carry out 4.2,4.3,to ensure the applicability of the regulations.

5. The relevant document:
5.1 <Document Control>
5.2<Record Control >

6. Using forms:
6.1 <<applicable list of legal and other requirement>

且悟 (威望:0) (浙江 杭州) 汽车制造相关 工程师



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