Documents List for C-TPAT Audit
1. 营业执照 (Business Licenses);
2. C-TPAT认证证书 (C-TPAT/GSV certificate);
3. 组织架构图 (Organization Chart);
4. 反恐手册(含反恐方针)-Security manual (including security policy)
5. 车辆进出检查表 (Trucks/trailers/container inspection records)
6. 货柜检查表 (Container inspection records)
7. 装柜单 (Shipping order and packing list)
8. 封条登记表 (Seals issues records)
9. 货物短装/过剩处理程序/记录 (Overage/shortage procedure and records)
10. 异常报告程序 (Reporting procedure for anomalies or illegal activities)
11. 来访登记表 (Visitors log)
12. 邮件/包裹检查表 (Mail and packages inspection records)
13. 供应商/外包商反恐评估报告 (Suppliers security evaluation reports)
14. 供应商/外包商反恐协议 (Suppliers security agreements)
15. 电脑密码更新记录 (Computer password change records)
16. 员工物品检查表 (Employees personal items inspection records)
17. 保安上岗证 (Qualification for security personnel)
18. 员工背景调查记录 (Employees background check records)
19. 反恐培训计划 (Security training plan/schedule)
20. 反恐培训记录 (Security training records)
21. 保安合同 (Security contract)
22. 钥匙发放记录 (Keys issues/return records)
23. 厂证收发记录 (Work ID badge issue/return records)
24. 员工离职单 (Employee resign records)
Documents List for C-TPAT Audit
1. 营业执照 (Business Licenses);
2. C-TPAT认证证书 (C-TPAT/GSV certificate);
3. 组织架构图 (Organization Chart);
4. 反恐手册(含反恐方针)-Security manual (including security policy)
5. 车辆进出检查表 (Trucks/trailers/container inspection records)
6. 货柜检查表 (Container inspection records)
7. 装柜单 (Shipping order and packing list)
8. 封条登记表 (Seals issues records)
9. 货物短装/过剩处理程序/记录 (Overage/shortage procedure and records)
10. 异常报告程序 (Reporting procedure for anomalies or illegal activities)
11. 来访登记表 (Visitors log)
12. 邮件/包裹检查表 (Mail and packages inspection records)
13. 供应商/外包商反恐评估报告 (Suppliers security evaluation reports)
14. 供应商/外包商反恐协议 (Suppliers security agreements)
15. 电脑密码更新记录 (Computer password change records)
16. 员工物品检查表 (Employees personal items inspection records)
17. 保安上岗证 (Qualification for security personnel)
18. 员工背景调查记录 (Employees background check records)
19. 反恐培训计划 (Security training plan/schedule)
20. 反恐培训记录 (Security training records)
21. 保安合同 (Security contract)
22. 钥匙发放记录 (Keys issues/return records)
23. 厂证收发记录 (Work ID badge issue/return records)
24. 员工离职单 (Employee resign records)
3 个回复
烟花三月 (威望:2) (广东 佛山) 贸易或进出口 - 熟悉五金、胶藤、木塑类家私的工艺结构及质量控制。