

Ask a Simple Question
Deming's preferred approach to teaching was the Socratic method.

William E. Conway, one of the first U.S. CEOs to work closely with W. Edwards Deming, once described him as "a riddle wrapped in an enigma." Anyone who had the opportunity to attend one of Deming's legendary four-day seminars can readily attest that Conway's description was correct.
William E.Conway是美国最早接近W.Edwards Deming并一起工作的CEO之一 ,他有一次描述deming为“被谜包围的神秘人物”,任何有幸参加Deming的传说中的四日研讨会的人都会非常同意这个看法。
Deming's preferred approach to teaching was the Socratic method. As a helper at his seminars, I saw how effective this approach was many times. I recall one such instance in 1988. Deming was discussing the importance of knowing what numbers mean before performing any statistical analysis. "It's harder than we might think," he said. Then he asked, "How many people are in this room? There isn't any answer to that question."
After the main session, I facilitated a discussion group trying to determine just what Deming meant. The group was from the same company and had attended together, so they could take back different perspectives on Deming's philosophy. We gathered around a poolside patio table, enjoying the warm Southern California sun.
完成会议的主要内容之后,我设法让一个讨论小组试图去理解Deming说的真正意思。这个小组是来自于同一个公司并一起参加的,因此他们可以针对Deming的哲学take back不同的想法。我们围在一个游泳池边的院子的桌子边,享受着南California温暖的阳光。
"It doesn't make any sense to me," declared Bill, their senior manager. "Of course, there is an answer to that question. And it's easy to determine, too. You just count the people in the room."“这对我来说没有任何意义”
Heads nodded in agreement. The group seemed about to reach a consensus that Deming simply had misspoken. I was pretty sure he hadn't, but I wanted them to conclude that on their own. Suddenly, I knew how I would do it.
"How many people are here?" I queried them.
They looked at me like deer caught in headlights.
他们看着我就象deer caught in headlights。
"What do you mean?" asked Gaylene.
I decided to excuse myself, lest I succumb to the temptation to lecture. "I have to help another group right now," I lied. "I'll be back in half an hour to hear your answer. It's a simple question, so that should be plenty of time.
Thirty minutes later I returned. The group was embroiled in intense discussion and didn't notice me.
"So, what's the answer?" I interrupted them. "How many people are here?"“那么答案是多少呢?”我打断了他们“这里有多少人?”
"We don't know the answer yet," Bill retorted angrily. "And you lied to us. It's not a simple question at all. We need a lot more information."
“我们还不知道答案”Bill气愤地反驳“你骗了我们。这根本不是一个简单的问题。我们需要更多的资料。”"Such as?"
"Such as, when you say 'here,' do you mean this table, the pool area, the patio or what?" prompted Nancy.
"And when you say 'people,' do you mean guests only, or do you include staff, delivery people and cabbies looking for their fares?" asked John.
"And do you mean here now?" asked Beverly. "What about people who left to go to the restroom or get a towel? Do they count?"
"What do you think?" I barked, doing my best imitation of Deming's teaching method. The group pondered for a moment.
"I guess that depends on what we will use the number for," ventured Jacob. "If we want to know how many guests use the pool facilities, we wouldn't count staff or delivery people."
“我猜这取决于我们要拿数字来干什么?”Jacob冒险说道“假如我们想知道有多少客人在使用游泳池的设施,我们就不需要数那些管理员和delivery people。”
"Right, and if we want to determine how many outside tables the restaurant needed, we wouldn't count people in the pool," agreed Bill.
"And to really answer the question for a particular purpose, we'd have to repeat the count at different times," observed Beverly. "This place is crowded now, but it was empty this morning."
The group sat silently for a moment, each person mulling over the discovery they'd just made.
Bill's eyes widened noticeably as a thought occurred to him. "Do you remember that flap we had last year with our No. 1 customer about those ceramic substrates? The customer said our parts had voids, but our quality control people said they didn't. We jumped all over our inspectors after those parts were returned. Remember?" All heads nodded in unison.
"I remember handing the bag of rejects to my inspectors and demanding an explanation," continued Bill. "One of them looked at several substrates and said she didn't see any voids. Another used an eye loop and said he thought he saw some small voids. A third put a sample under a stereo microscope and said the problem wasn't voids but pits."
Bill looked around the table, his thoughts still focused on that conversation. "I told the inspectors the problem was simple," he recalled. "All they had to do was count the voids."
"Yeah," said Rachael, "like counting how many people were in the conference room today."
"OK, people," said Bill, turning to a fresh page in his notebook. "Let's see if we can operationally define a void tonight."

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