

苏州缤特力内部发出来的关于苏州缤特力倒闭关厂的邮件,那个Ken 就是缤特力全球的老大
Dear Associates,
As I mentioned in January, our primary objectives during the economic downturn are to remain profitable and cash flow positive, while continuing to invest in Unified Communications which is the key to our long-term profitable growth. The ME business is critical to succeeding long-term in UC, but is under extreme pressure today given market forces and the cost structure of the business.
  After carefully evaluating all alternatives to improve our Bluetooth cost structure, today we announced plans to outsource the production of our Bluetooth headsets to GoerTek, an existing partner with substantial manufacturing capacity and a strong track record in Bluetooth. This action will improve profitability in the critical Bluetooth headset market, and will increase our return on capital significantly by decreasing our fixed asset base and sharply increasing inventory turns.
  We will also reduce cost in related RD functions and take other measures to improve profitability and return on capital. It saddens me greatly to say that these actions will affect approximately 670 positions, primarily in China, and will also result in the closing of our Suzhou manufacturing operations. The plan will proceed in phases and is expected to be complete by October 2009.
  Bluetooth RD, supply chain management as well as sales, marketing and administrative support functions that are part of our Asia-Pacific hub will continue to be led from our Suzhou site until our facilities there can be sold and our remaining associates relocated to nearby facilities better suited to their continuing responsibilities.
  I want to acknowledge the outstanding quality, responsiveness and overall track record of our entire Suzhou team. Today’s action to move to an ODM model is driven by a critical need for economies of scale and is not in the least related to the performance of our plant or our team. In fact, they have performed excellently and helped us achieve the strong market position we have today.
  All of the cost reduction initiatives that we’ve taken in response to the economic climate have been extremely difficult. Please know that we value each and every associate at the company and are grateful for your hard work and contributions. We always try to exhaust every alternative before layoffs, but given the challenging market we currently face, these actions are absolutely necessary to improve profitability and keep us on track toward accomplishing our long-term goals.


cfgenglish (威望:5) (江苏 苏州) 电子制造 工程师


老早就看过这封MAI了.PLANTRONICS 一度是园区最牛比的公司之一,他们每个办公桌椅都价格不菲,是别的公司的六七倍价格.工资自然也高.可惜这么快就烟消云散了....

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苏州新区长江路 苏州,你究竟是传说中的天堂,还是人间地狱,一切都不得而知——————————————————
