
[原创]words and idoms(英语惯用词)

1、give me a hand 帮忙
2、foot the bill 付帐(bill:帐单)
3、例句:we arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charlie's birthday because our car had a blow-out.
4、lock,stock and barrel 全部
例句:Mr. Rockefeller bought the whole oil company lock,stock and barrel.
5、hook,line ane sinker 全部,但含有受骗意味
例句:I warned Sally not to believe that man's stories about how rich he was, but she swallowed them hook,line and sanker. After she married him, she found out that he owed everyone in his office money.
6、to eat one's heart out 非常沉痛和绝望的悲痛
例句:Ever since grandmother died, grandfather has been eating his heart out--he's lost all interest in life and won't een get out of bed to eat.
7、to eat one's hat 十分肯定自己说的是正确的,否则就吃掉自己的帽子,译成中文就是“若是……错了,我就不姓……”
例句:Michigan has a great football team this fall. If we don't win the national championship, I'll eat my hat.

cttmier (威望:0) (北京 ) 在校学生 员工


Bomb 就是炸弹,也一样是一种武器。但是,在电影和音乐方面,你要是用 bomb 这个字,它的意思就是不成功,不受欢迎,卖座率很低。要是有一则新闻报导说最近一位著名歌星录制的歌曲是一个 bomb 的话,那就是告诉你,这张唱片或磁带没有像想象中销路那么好。
例句 1 :A newspaper says that a picture that had cost 34 million dollars to make has bombed at the box office.
例句 2 :This young producer made money on his first three films, so the studio invested forty million in his fourth film. But it turned out to be a real bomb -- it didn't make enough to get back the investment.
122、to drop a bombshell
To drop a bombshell 的意思是:宣布令人震惊的消息,就像一枚炸弹在你身旁突然爆炸一样让你吃惊。
例句 1 :Grandfather dropped a bombshell last night when he told the family he is marrying a woman 40 years younger than he.
例句 2 :In March 1968 President Lyndon Johnson dropped one of the biggest bombshells ever dropped in American politics when he announced that he would not run for re-election because of the Vietnam War.
123、odd 这个字仅仅只有三个字母组成,可是它却有好几个意思:它可以形容某个很奇怪的人或者行为,也可以指一、三、五这样的单数,它还可以解释为“多一点”,如: fifty-odd men,意思是“五十几个人”。Odd 这个字还可以和别的字合在一起用,当然和不同的字合在一起它的意思也就不同。例如:Oddball。要是你说某人是个 oddball,那就是说这个人表现的很奇怪,和一般人不一样。我们来举个例子吧:
例句 1 :My friend Joe is certainly an oddball. In the summer he puts his shoes in the refrigerator at night so his feet will be cool when he goes to work in the morning.
例句 2 :And another oddball is Bill, especially when it comes to food. Can you believe it, he even puts catchup on his ice cream. Talk about oddballs!
124、Odds and ends
Odds and ends 的意思是:零碎东西。
例句 1 :Okay, I'm all packed now, except for a few odds and ends I'll put in a handbag and carry on the plane with me.
例句 2 :One good thing I got done at the office today was clean up my desk. I'd let so many odds and ends pile up that you could scarcely see the desk itself. But I got busy and took care of everything.
125、英文里“水果”这个字,也就是 “fruit” 是来自很早以前的一个拉丁文里的动词,意思是“享受”。而事实上也确实如此,香蕉、苹果、橘子、樱桃、桃子或葡萄等水果放在果盘里看起来都十分吸引人。因此、有关水果的俗语往往是具有一种肯定和完善的含义,例如:peaches and cream。
peaches 就是桃子, cream 是指奶油。 Peaches and cream的意思是:一切都很美好。有人可能会问:桃子和奶油有什么关系呢?这是因为美国人在吃水果时往往喜欢把水果切成块,然后加一点奶油一起吃。实际上,美国人吃很多东西都喜欢和奶油一起吃。所以,peaches and cream 就意味着完美无缺。
例句 1 :Sally and Joe had a big fight last week, but they've made up and now everything is peaches and cream again.
Peaches and cream 还可以形容一个年轻少女容光焕发的面孔:
例句 2 :Peter's sister is a lovely girl. She has a real peaches and cream complexion, soft and white as milk and a touch of pink like a fresh ripe peach.

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