


  1. The certification body shall perform internal audits using a process approach.
  1. Regarding to the “Pre-Audit”/“Pre-Assessment”, the following rules shall be respected:
The auditors used shall not be part of the audit team for the initial certification audit, …对于预审和预估,要遵守以下原则:审核员一般不应该是初始认证审核的审核小组成员。
  1. The scope of certification may also include, at the decision of the organization,
manufacturing meeting the applicability of ISO/TS 16949:2002 supplied to customers not subscribing to ISO/TS 16949. 认证范围也应该包括:组织的决定、关于ISO/TS 16949:2002适用性的生产会议,对于消费者的服务不属于ISO/TS 16949的范围。
  1. Certification bodies shall maintain the following records: the quotation file to the
organization, including the audit days and audit day fee, …认证机构应该保存以下记录:给组织的报价单,包括审核时间和日审核费用。
  1. The initial certification audit shall be conducted in two stages: stage 1 - Readiness
Review (one or two days on site) and stage 2 - Site Audit. 初始认证审核应该包括两个阶段:文审(一到两天)和现场审核
· Stage 1 - Readiness Review: see ISO/IEC DIS 17021 Annex A except paragraph A.3.
阶段1:文审:参照ISO/IEC DIS 17021附录A除了A3以外。
· Stage 2 - Site Audit: see ISO/IEC DIS 17021 Annex B. 6. For the initial audit, remote supporting functions shall be audited prior to the manufacturing site. 阶段2:现场审核:ISO/IEC DIS 17021附录B.6,对于初次审核,应该使外部支持活动的审核应该优先与生产现场的审核。
  1. A certification body may accept the audit by another recognized certification body of the remote supporting locations subject to the following provisions: 一个认证机构应该承认另外一个有资格的认证机构基于以下方面对于外部支持现场的审核
· the audit by the other certification body shall cover the complete product scope of that center, consistent with the process based audit approach, 其他认证机构的审核应该覆盖那个现场的全部产品,
· the organization shall provide to the certification body a copy of the audit plan, audit report, all findings, all corrective actions, and all verification actions by the other certification body. This information shall be in the language agreed between the organization and the other certification body, 组织应该为认证机构提供审核计划、审核报告、所有裁决、所有改正行为、另一个认证机构的所有确认行为的证明。这些信息应该使用组织和另一个认证机构协议使用的语言书写
· the information shall confirm during the readiness review that all the interfaces between the remote supporting location and the site were adequately audited by the other certification body, 信息应该确认预审时全部外部支持场所和现场的接口也被另一个认证机构所审核过。
· copies of all surveillance and re-certification audits of the remote/supporting location by the other certification body shall be provided by the organization to the certification body, 组织应该为认证机构提供另一个认证机构对外部支持现场的监督和复审的证明。
· verification of the organization’s corrective actions shall be conducted by the certification body that audited the location. Copies of all on site verification activities will be provided by the organization to the certification body.组织纠正措施的证明应该由现场审核的认证机构书写,组织应该向认证机构提供现场纠正确认的复印件。
  1. A letter of conformance may be issued by the certification body for a maximum of twelve months only in the following situations : 在下列情况下,增加审核的证书会由认证机构最多在12个月内发放:
· a new site exists.存在一个新的现场:
After 12 months production, the certification process will proceed by the same certification body with a Readiness Review and initial audit with a maximum 50% possible reduction in audit days. 经过12个月的运行,认证活动将由同一个认证机构利用一半的审核日程进行文审和现场审核。
· an organization that can demonstrate it is on an active bid list for a customer requiring ISO/TS 16949:2002 certification or compliance,组织能够证明他们是积极的遵守顾客对于ISO/TS 16949:2002认证或规则的要求的。
If a contract has not been issued within 12 months, the organization may re-apply for another letter of conformance. 如果在12个月内没有发放证书,组织应该再次申请增加审核的认证证书,
The letter of conformance may be issued by the certification body, after: 增加现场审核的证书应该由认证机构在下列情况之后发放:
the organization is able to supply the information required for the Readiness Review including internal and external performance data and one full cycle of internal audits and management review, but not twelve months of internal audits and performance data, and the relevant site has been audited to ISO/TS 16949:2002 and found compliant.组织可以提供预审需要的信息包括内部和外部的效绩的数据、内审和管理评审的全部过程,但不是12个月的内审和运行数据,但是相关的现场应该依据ISO/TS 16949:2002审核并遵守。
  1. The audit cycle shall be based upon the dates of the initial certification audit. 审核过程应该机遇初审的数据之上。
  2. Each on-site audit (initial, surveillance, and re-certification) shall include an audit of:
· effectiveness of the management system with regard to achieving both customer and organization objectives…每次审核(预审、监督、复审)应该包括管理系统达到顾客和组织目标的能力。
  1. An audit finding shall have three distinct parts: 审核裁决应该包括三个部分:
· a statement of nonconformity, 不符合描述
· the requirement, or specific reference to the requirement, 要求或关于要求的详细描述
· the objective evidence observed that supports statement of nonconformity.支持不合格描述的证据
  1. All ISO/TS 16949:2002 audit teams, including surveillance, shall satisfy the following: 所有的ISO/TS 16949:2002审核成员(包括监督)应该满足下列要求:
· at least one team member shall have relevant sector specific experience for all commodity codes which apply to the scope of certification at that site, …至少有一个成员有在相关现场审核认证的工作经验。
  1. Audit team’s language capability shall be adequate. When a translator is used, the audits days requiring translations shall be increased by a minimum of 20%.审核组成员的语言能力该是足够的,若使用翻译,每日翻译量最少增加20%。
  2. Criteria for third party auditor qualification: 6 years full time appropriate practical experience (including 2 years dedicated to Quality Assurance activities) in the past ten (10) years in an organization meeting the applicability of ISO/TS 16949:2002. 第三方审核员资格要求:在过去的十年中有6年在有对ISO/TS 16949:2002要求的组织中全职工作的经验。15. Audit Days: The number of surveillance audit days during the period of validity of the certificate shall be the number of initial audit days in the calculation illustrated in the table above. There shall be at least one surveillance audit per year (minus three months, plus one month). Surveillance audits shall be of equal duration and rounded up to the nearest half day. 审核日:审核日应是表格中考虑的在有效认证期间初审的天数.每年至少应该有一次监督审核,监督审核应该等同于
  3. Corporate Audit scheme: How the days are distributed between the site(s) and any supporting functions remote or not is the responsibility of the certification body. If the certification body moves significantly from the base head count distribution calculation, an explanation is required in the audit plan documents. 整体审核方案:怎样在现场和外部支持场所(或没有)间分配审核日是认证机构的责任。如果认证机构要改变基本的分配方案,需要在审核计划文件中有具体的解释。
  4. Adding Annex 5 “Automotive Process Approach auditing” and Annex 6 “Selection from ISO/IEC DIS 17021” dated to 2004-04-23. All the Annexes shall be considered as part of these requirements and not just for information. 附录5“自动推进过程审核”和附录6“ISO/IEC DIS 17021中的部分”到2004-4-23。所有的这种要求的部分应该被考虑,而不仅仅是信息。
  5. “Annex 5: Automotive Process Approach auditing” was moved from Chapter 1 “Automotive Process Approach oriented auditing” of “Checklist to ISO/TS16949: 2002” as normative. 附录5“自动推进过程审核”来自标准的ISO/TS16949: 2002检查表单的第一章“自动推进过程导向审核”。

sunwen20032008 (威望:1)



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