Anderson-Darling normality test
The Anderson-Darling normality test can help you determine whether the data follow a normal distribution. The A statistic that the test provides is not very informative by itself, but it is used to determine the p-value. The p-value ranges from 0 to 1, and indicates how likely it is that your data follow a normal distribution.
First, you need to decide how low p must be for you to conclude that the data are not normal. (A commonly chosen value is 0.1.) Then, if the p-value you is lower than your criterion, you must conclude that the data do not follow a normal distribution. Otherwise, you can continue to assume the data are normal.
The value of A for the precipitation data is 0.987, and the associated p-value is 0.008. Assuming you chose 0.1 as your criterion, you must conclude that the data do not follow a normal distribution, because 0.008 is lower than 0.1.
Skewness refers to a lack of symmetry. A distribution is skewed if one tail extends farther than the other. A skewness statistic is provided with the graphical summary:
· A value close to 0 indicates symmetric data
· Negative values imply negative/left skew
· Positive values indicate positive/right skew
The skewness value for the precipitation data is 2.11078 indicating that the distribution is right-skewed. This is due to the outlier shown a the far right of the histogram.
Kurtosis refers to how sharply peaked a distribution is. A kurtosis statistic is provided with the graphical summary:
· Values close to 0 indicate normally peaked data
· Negative values indicate a distribution that is flatter than normal
· Positive values indicate a distribution with a sharper than normal peak
The kurtosis value for the precipitation data is 5.61936 indicating that the distribution is more sharply peaked than normal. This is illustrated in the histogram which shows that the peak of the data rises well above the normal curve (red).
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Anderson-Darling 正态测试
Anderson-Darling normality test
The Anderson-Darling normality test can help you determine whether the data follow a normal distribution. The A statistic that the test provides is not very informative by itself, but it is used to determine the p-value. The p-value ranges from 0 to 1, and indicates how likely it is that your data follow a normal distribution.
First, you need to decide how low p must be for you to conclude that the data are not normal. (A commonly chosen value is 0.1.) Then, if the p-value you is lower than your criterion, you must conclude that the data do not follow a normal distribution. Otherwise, you can continue to assume the data are normal.
The value of A for the precipitation data is 0.987, and the associated p-value is 0.008. Assuming you chose 0.1 as your criterion, you must conclude that the data do not follow a normal distribution, because 0.008 is lower than 0.1.
Skewness refers to a lack of symmetry. A distribution is skewed if one tail extends farther than the other. A skewness statistic is provided with the graphical summary:
· A value close to 0 indicates symmetric data
· Negative values imply negative/left skew
· Positive values indicate positive/right skew
The skewness value for the precipitation data is 2.11078 indicating that the distribution is right-skewed. This is due to the outlier shown a the far right of the histogram.
Kurtosis refers to how sharply peaked a distribution is. A kurtosis statistic is provided with the graphical summary:
· Values close to 0 indicate normally peaked data
· Negative values indicate a distribution that is flatter than normal
· Positive values indicate a distribution with a sharper than normal peak
The kurtosis value for the precipitation data is 5.61936 indicating that the distribution is more sharply peaked than normal. This is illustrated in the histogram which shows that the peak of the data rises well above the normal curve (red).
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Anderson-Darling 正态测试
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