x2检验(chi-square test)或称卡方检验,是一种用途较广的假设检验方法。可以分为成组比较(不配对资料)和个别比较(配对,或同一对象两种处理的比较)两类。
在用Minitab进行卡方检验的时候,有一句“2 cells with expected counts less than 5”,这么一句话,可是对这句话一直不是很了解,看了帮助文件中关于相关内容的解释:
Cells with Small Expected Frequencies
Minitab displays the number of cells that have expected frequencies less than 5. In Example of Chi-Square, there were 2 such cells. Some statisticians hesitate to use the c test if more than 20% of the cells have expected frequencies below five, especially if the p-value is small and these cells give a large contribution to the total c value.
If any cell has an expected frequency less than one, the total c is not displayed, because the results may not be valid. If some cells have small expected frequencies, consider combining or omitting row and/or column categories.
x2检验(chi-square test)或称卡方检验,是一种用途较广的假设检验方法。可以分为成组比较(不配对资料)和个别比较(配对,或同一对象两种处理的比较)两类。
在用Minitab进行卡方检验的时候,有一句“2 cells with expected counts less than 5”,这么一句话,可是对这句话一直不是很了解,看了帮助文件中关于相关内容的解释:
Cells with Small Expected Frequencies
Minitab displays the number of cells that have expected frequencies less than 5. In Example of Chi-Square, there were 2 such cells. Some statisticians hesitate to use the c test if more than 20% of the cells have expected frequencies below five, especially if the p-value is small and these cells give a large contribution to the total c value.
If any cell has an expected frequency less than one, the total c is not displayed, because the results may not be valid. If some cells have small expected frequencies, consider combining or omitting row and/or column categories.
3 个回复
honesty (威望:4) (上海 ) 汽车制造相关 经理 - I love this game I love ...