剽窃一首诗吧-世界上最远的距离The farthest distance in the world
本帖最后由 Darcy 于 2010-9-23 23:12 编辑
世界上最远的距离The farthest distance in the world
不是从中国到美国is not the way from China to the USA.
而是我就在网线的这一端 It's just like me sitting at the end of the wire
你却看不见我 And you don't know me.
世界上最远的距离The farthest distance in the world
不是你看不见我is not being me that you don't know.
而是美国人在讲话 It's like American talking
我却听不懂 but I can't understand.
过节了,没事调侃一下. 英语教育, 远程教育的确可以以低价外包出去的.
世界上最远的距离The farthest distance in the world
不是从中国到美国is not the way from China to the USA.
而是我就在网线的这一端 It's just like me sitting at the end of the wire
你却看不见我 And you don't know me.
世界上最远的距离The farthest distance in the world
不是你看不见我is not being me that you don't know.
而是美国人在讲话 It's like American talking
我却听不懂 but I can't understand.
过节了,没事调侃一下. 英语教育, 远程教育的确可以以低价外包出去的.
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Darcy (威望:0) (江苏 苏州) 机械制造 工程师 - 外教一对一口语陪练,每月只需400元