[分享]Reliability词汇- 3 (26Jul'04)
Fault: An attribute which adversely affects the reliability of a devise.
Fault tolerance: Ability of and equipment or system to continue to operate within specification when a fault condition is present.
Fault tree analysis: A dedective type of failure analysis that focuses on particular undesired event at a time, and then provides a method for determining the possibe causes of that event.
Free time: that interval during which the equipment is scheduled off duty.
Infant mortality: The initial phase in the lifetime of a population of a particular component when failure occur as a result of latent defects, manufacturing errors, etc.,i.e. related to the early failure period.
Interval, confidence: the maximum and minimum limits which define the range within which it is expected that an observation will occurs in accordance with a degree of certainty as dictated by the confidence level.
Interval, test: A specific period of time during which one or more units may be undergoing test simultaneously.
Item(in reliability): An all-inclusive term to denote any level of hardware assembly, i.e.system, segment of a system, subsystem, equipment, component, part, etc. Note that the item includes items, population of items, sample, etc., where the context of its use so justifies.
k-out-of-m:F system: that system which is failed if and only if at least k of its m items are failed.
k-out-of-m: F sytem, consecutive: A system which fails if and only if at least k successive items of the system are down, simultaneously.
k-out-of-m: F sytem, r-within-consecutive: A system which fails, whenever there exist k consecutive items, which include among item at least r failed ones.
k-out-of-m: G sytem: that system which is good if and only if at least k of its m items are good.
Latent defect: An inherent weakness that has a high probability of resulting in an early life failure.
Level, acceptable quality: The quality standard associated with a given producer's risk which is prescribed by the cunstomer or quality engineer for the products on order.it is usually expressed in terms of per cent defective or defects per hundred units.
Level, confidence: the degree of uncertainty, expressed as a percentage, that a given hypothesis is true within a specified limit or limits.
Level fo significance: a significance level associated with the test of a hypothesis which defined the expected number of times the hypotheiss will be rejected even though it might be true.
Life cycle: all phases through which an item passes from conception through to disposal.
Life, shelf: the length of time an item can be stored udner specified conditions and still meet specification or operational requirements.
Life, useful: the length of time an item operates with an accdeptable filure rate.
Logistic time: that interval during which active repair has been suspended while awaiting the arrival of spare parts.
Lot: A collection or group of units of product from which a sample is drawn and inspected to determine compliance with applicable criteria or specifications and drawings.
Fault tolerance: Ability of and equipment or system to continue to operate within specification when a fault condition is present.
Fault tree analysis: A dedective type of failure analysis that focuses on particular undesired event at a time, and then provides a method for determining the possibe causes of that event.
Free time: that interval during which the equipment is scheduled off duty.
Infant mortality: The initial phase in the lifetime of a population of a particular component when failure occur as a result of latent defects, manufacturing errors, etc.,i.e. related to the early failure period.
Interval, confidence: the maximum and minimum limits which define the range within which it is expected that an observation will occurs in accordance with a degree of certainty as dictated by the confidence level.
Interval, test: A specific period of time during which one or more units may be undergoing test simultaneously.
Item(in reliability): An all-inclusive term to denote any level of hardware assembly, i.e.system, segment of a system, subsystem, equipment, component, part, etc. Note that the item includes items, population of items, sample, etc., where the context of its use so justifies.
k-out-of-m:F system: that system which is failed if and only if at least k of its m items are failed.
k-out-of-m: F sytem, consecutive: A system which fails if and only if at least k successive items of the system are down, simultaneously.
k-out-of-m: F sytem, r-within-consecutive: A system which fails, whenever there exist k consecutive items, which include among item at least r failed ones.
k-out-of-m: G sytem: that system which is good if and only if at least k of its m items are good.
Latent defect: An inherent weakness that has a high probability of resulting in an early life failure.
Level, acceptable quality: The quality standard associated with a given producer's risk which is prescribed by the cunstomer or quality engineer for the products on order.it is usually expressed in terms of per cent defective or defects per hundred units.
Level, confidence: the degree of uncertainty, expressed as a percentage, that a given hypothesis is true within a specified limit or limits.
Level fo significance: a significance level associated with the test of a hypothesis which defined the expected number of times the hypotheiss will be rejected even though it might be true.
Life cycle: all phases through which an item passes from conception through to disposal.
Life, shelf: the length of time an item can be stored udner specified conditions and still meet specification or operational requirements.
Life, useful: the length of time an item operates with an accdeptable filure rate.
Logistic time: that interval during which active repair has been suspended while awaiting the arrival of spare parts.
Lot: A collection or group of units of product from which a sample is drawn and inspected to determine compliance with applicable criteria or specifications and drawings.
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