
4 Ways to Learn English

4 ways to learn English:

    [] If you have an urgent need in English and are willing to spend some money, the best approach is to find a good teacher and work hard according to his or her instructions.[/]

    [] If the need is urgent but you don’t want to spend money, you probably have to work very hard using all means available to you.[/]

    [] If you are not in a hurry and have a large budget, to spend a year or so in the U.S., Canada or UK seems like a good idea.[/]

    [] If you are in no hurry and don’t want to spend any money, joining a discussion group such like this and learning by yourself at your own pace could certainly be an enjoyable option. [/]

Which route would you take?

补充内容 (2012-6-30 22:04):
The first thing to do is to determine your goal, where you are now, and the gap. Then, develop a strategy to close the gap.

洛客 (威望:13) (海外 海外) 咨询业 总监


本帖最后由 洛客 于 2012-7-1 09:25 编辑

补充内容 (2012-6-30 22:04):

The first thing to do is to determine what is your career goal, where you are now, and the gap. Then, develop a strategy to close the gap.

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