ATTRIBUTE 的属性一致性分析
# 检 # 相
检验员 验数 符数 百分比 95 % 置信区间
LJF 30 30 100.00 (90.50, 100.00)
QZC 30 30 100.00 (90.50, 100.00)
# 相符数: 检验员在多个试验之间,他/她自身标准一致。
Fleiss Kappa 统计量
检验员 响应 Kappa Kappa 标准误 Z P(与 > 0 )
LJF N 1 0.105409 9.48683 0.0000
Y 1 0.105409 9.48683 0.0000
QZC N 1 0.105409 9.48683 0.0000
Y 1 0.105409 9.48683 0.0000
Test plan:
- Prepare 30 pieces of samples (GBC12s), 15 pieces of them are good parts and the other 15 pieces of parts are drilled a 1mm holes on copper tube to make it leak;
- Marked numbers on samples;
- A operator and I made pressure test to the samples and recorded test results. The test is done by each person for 3 times.
- Input test results to Minitab for Attribut Agreement Analysis
- If the kappa value is greater than 0.9, the MSA of the station will reach our requirement.
- The kappa value is 1 after calculated, so it means MSA of the station is ok.
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聊聊 (威望:8) (浙江 嘉兴) 汽车制造相关 工程师