
第三十一篇 Select the right statistical methods to examine data, find out

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Select the right statistical methods to examine data, find out

by Robert L. Mason and John C. Young
罗伯特 L 梅森 约翰 C 杨 著

A Potential outlier is an observation located a considerable distance from the main data swarm. The inclusion of such outlying observations in a data analysis can produce erroneous estimates of means, variances and the correlations between variables.

In general, this distortion increases with the distance the point is located from the main data swarm. With a single variable, an outlier will be separate from and stand out on either end of the data set. This is usually readily apparent in data plots.

For example, consider a set of 81 observations of bottom sulfur readings from a chemical reactor. Figure 1 is a frequency histogram of these readings. Notice that the last two intervals—composed of the two largest observations—are somewhat removed from the cluster of the remaining intervals containing the other 79 observations. The inclusion of these two large observations in the data set will inflate the sample variance and increase the size of the sample mean. A Shewhart control procedure would designate these two observations as potential outliers.

Figure 1

Outliers in an industrial process become more and more difficult to detect with an increase in the dimensionality of the data. Although an outlier may not stick out on the end of the data distribution for multiple variables, they will stick out somewhere.

For example, consider a set of bivariate data in which the outlying observation does stick out. Figure 2 is a scatterplot of the waist size and chest size of a random sample of 147 college students. Notice there are only 80 visible points in the plot because there are multiple observations at some points.

Figure 2

The two circled observations in Figure 2 are potential outliers. The first observation (27, 28) is marginally different from the others, but the second observation (47, 43) is definitely different from the others. Why does this latter observation stick out? Because it is the only observation in the data set in which the chest size of the college student is smaller than the waist size. It is interesting to note that a statistical control procedure using the T2 statistic to locate outliers designates the second observation as an outlier but does not designate the first observation as an outlier.

Different ways to go

The search for determining the observations that stick out in a multidimensional data set has led to the development of many different statistical procedures for outlier detection.

One example is the procedure based on examining the data set in a subspace of the principal component space.1 Principal components are linear combinations of the original variables that are orthogonal to one another and are derived using either the correlation or covariance matrix of the data.

The first few principal components of such data are sensitive to changes in variation and covariation of the variables, while the last few principal components are sensitive to strong collinearities in the data. Reducing the dimensionality of the data by using only the first two or three principal components often allows an analyst to visibly locate outliers in principal component plots, which contributes to variation problems.

Another popular outlier detection procedure is based on using a control chart of the T2 statistic and designating points with T2 values outside the control limits as outliers.2 When the sample data contain clusters of outliers, however, this statistic is subject to masking and swamping problems. Clustering outlier observations on the fringe of a data swarm is the main cause of problems called swamping and masking.

Swamping occurs when the cluster pulls the data swarm toward it. In doing so, non-outlying observations on the fringe, opposite the cluster, will appear farther from the data swarm and be designated as potential outliers. Masking occurs when the cluster of outliers pulls the data swamp toward it and inflates the estimates of the mean and covariance parameters in the directions of the cluster so individual observations within the cluster do not show up as outliers.

Some of the more recent procedures for detecting multivariate outliers include those based on the use of robust estimators. Such outlier detection schemes are not subject to the masking and swamping problems that can plague methods based on common estimators.

And outliers do not have the same ill effects on the robust estimators as they do on the common estimators. Robust estimates of the variances, means and correlations of the related variables, however, may be far removed from the true values of these statistics. In addition, many of these procedures are limited from practical use because they can be computationally intense.

Better detection schemes

A preliminary step that would improve these outlier detection schemes is to follow the procedure recommended when creating a multivariate statistical control procedure for an industrial process.3

In a preliminary data analysis (that is, a phase I analysis) of such a procedure, a set of data is obtained under good operational conditions as judged by the process engineer. The data set then is subjected to a detailed data analysis from numerous perspectives. Charts, graphs and plots are used to locate unusual patterns and clusters in the data set. When these occur, irregularities are investigated for cause. This type of detailed data analysis will remove many of the outliers and data abnormalities that could be difficult for classical statistical procedures to detect.

To illustrate this approach, consider a preliminary data set consisting of 55 observations on four variables. Suppose no detailed data analysis has been performed to search for data abnormalities. With a = 0.01, we use the T2 statistic based on the common estimates of the mean vector and covariance matrix to scan for potential outliers. Figure 3 shows the T2 control chart.
为了阐明这种方法,考虑一个由4个参数变量构成的有55个观测值的数据组。假设没有对数据进行详细分析,进而找出异常值。我们使用T2统计法,在置信度a = 0.01条件下基于一般评估的平均适量和协方差矩阵来检测潜在的外部点,图3所示为T2控制图

Figure 3

Because none of the T2 values signal in the chart in Figure 3, you might conclude that no outliers are present in the data. If we had plotted the data using the first three principal components of the correlation matrix and scanned the resulting plot, however, a completely different conclusion would result. The first three principal components explain more than 98% of the total variation present in this data set. A principal component plot for these three components is shown in Figure 4. The data swarm is enclosed in a 99% ellipsoid that corresponds to a = 0.01 and is equivalent to the T2 chart in Figure 3.
由于在图3的T2控制图中没外部点出现,人们可能会得出数组中没有异常值的结论。但是,如果我们使用相关矩阵中的前序三要素检测结果曲线时,一个完全不同的结果会呈现出来。前序三要素能够解释该数组中98%以上的总变差。图4所示为三要素的数据统计分析图。,观测数据组据集在99%的椭圆内,置信度a = 0.01,相当于图3的T2统计图。

Figure 4

Although no observation is outside the T2 ellipsoid in Figure 4, two different data clusters are clearly evident in the plot. The larger cluster (the blue points) consists of the first 50 observations plotted in theT2 chart in Figure 3. The smaller cluster (the red points) contains the last five observations located on theT2 chart. The outlying observations in the smaller cluster were added to an original data set of 50 observations (with no outliers) to illustrate how a cluster of outliers can mask the performance of the T2statistic. A detailed data analysis based on use of the principal component plot in Figure 4 would have helped the analyst quickly spot this cluster of potential outliers.
在图4中,虽然在T2椭圆外部没有观测点,但是在曲线上有两组数据明显的区分开来。其中一个大的数据群(蓝色的那些点)由图3中T2控制图里的前50个数据构成,另外一个小的数据群(红色的点)由图3中T2控制图里后面的5点构成。如果把这个观测到的边缘小数据群,加入到无异常值的大数据群(50个观测值)后,这就解释了在T2统计中一个外部点数据群是如何发生掩蔽的。 如图4所示,基于重要影响因素的详细的数据分析,能够帮助分析人员迅速的找出可能的外部点群。

These five observations would also have been detected as potential outliers if a time-sequence plot of each of the four variables had been examined. These plots are shown in Figure 5. Notice the last five observations for variables x1, x3 and x4 all have much lower values than the rest of the observations on each variable. These three variables are the ones that dominate the first three principal components. In contrast, the last five observations on variable x2 do not show any such change from the rest of the observations. This variable loads the heaviest on the fourth principal component, which has little influence on the results.
如果对四个变量分别绘制时间序列曲线,上述5个观测值也能作为潜在的外部点被检出。这些顺序图如图5所示。注意看,参数变量x1,、 x3和 x4的时间序列图中,最后的5个数值都明显的低于前面的数值。这三个参数变量在前面所说的三个重要影响因素(参数)起主导作用。与此相对的,变量x2最后5个值没有发生明显偏离变化,它在重要数据变量中起第四位的作用,对整个评估结果影响不大。

Figure 5

If you examine a plot of the data of the last three principal components, there is no evidence of the separation of the small cluster of outliers. This is shown in Figure 6. Notice the 50 observations (the blue points) in the large cluster now overlap with the five observations (the red points) in the small cluster.

Figure 6

Recall that plots of the first few principal components are most sensitive to changes in the variation and covariation among the variables. The data separation seen in the principal component plot in Figure 4 is caused by the influence of the five outliers associated with variables x1, x3 and x4 on the overall variation based on the first principal component. As shown in Figure 6, these outliers do not have such an effect on the overall variation based on the last three principal components.
回顾以上,可以得到这样的结论,靠前的重要影响因素(变量)对于变量及变量相互之间的变化是非常敏感的。在图4中看到的,在重要影响因素图中分离出来的5个异常数据与x1,、 x3 和 x4相关,即他们的变化基于重要影响因素。然而在图6中基于逆序排列的重要影响因素,却不能看到这些外部点对整个变动的影响。


Robert L. Mason is an institute analyst at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, TX. He has a doctorate in statistics from Southern Methodist University in Dallas and is a fellow of ASQ and the American Statistical Association.
罗伯特 L 梅森 在圣安东尼奥的西南研究所的研究员。他获得达拉斯州南卫理公会大学统计学博士学位,并且是美国质量管理协会,美国统计协会的成员

John C. Young is a retired professor of statistics from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, LA. He received a doctorate in statistics from Southern Methodist University.
约翰 C 杨 是路易斯安那 麦克尼斯州立大学统计学专业的退休教授。他是南卫理公会大学的统计学博士。
Figure 6.jpg Figure 5.jpg Figure 4.jpg Figure 3.jpg Figure 2.jpg Figure 1.jpg

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