
第四十篇 The Champion's Role InSuccessful Six Sigma Deployments

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The Champion's Role InSuccessful Six Sigma Deployments

Champions have a much larger roleindeploying Six Sigma or any other initiative than just removingroadblocks.Champions must be integrated into the business, select projectsaccurately,adjust the speed of the deployment as necessary, and takeresponsibility forimplementation.

For a Six Sigma deployment to producetheexpected results, organizational roles and responsibilities must beclearlydefined and aligned. If Executives and Champions are trained and BlackBeltsand Green Belts aren't, the probability of success decreases tovirtuallynothing. The reverse is true as well. None of these situations willproduce thetype of results that will occur when Six Sigma practitioners areplaced in thecorrect support environment.

The Six Sigma Support Structure
The core structure at an operationallevelis Black Belts supported by Master Black Belts. The Black Belts aretrained inthe basic problem-solving strategy and methodology. When Black Beltshavedemonstrated a proclivity for solvingdifficult projects, are self-starters,are self-reliant to a reasonable extentand put in the time commensurate withthe task, they are considered foradditional training as Master Black Belts.There is no universally acceptedstandard for the Master Black Belt curriculum.Additional training is intendedto broaden, not necessarily raise the level of,the tool sets that are at thedisposal of Master Black Belts. The strategy isto provide Master Black Beltswith a wider array of skill sets so they canassist in projects that may becomestalled.

Six Sigma Green Belts are critical totheprocess because they are the key to creating a culture shift. If the shiftisattempted by training huge numbers of Black Belts, Black Belts will spendmostof their time tripping over each other as they scramble to createthe"number of projects" or "dollars saved" metrics imposedbymanagement to motivate them.

A popular theory is that in achangeprocess, one-third is on the fence, one-third is holding back, andone-third isjumping at the new opportunity. These numbers will fluctuate basedon thecompany culture. A conservative company culture will create more fence sittersand resistors. A dynamic company culture will increase the number ofpeoplejumping at the new opportunity. Before you can comprehend what thenumberactually is, you must understand the company culture. Green Belts, in thelongrun, are the ones who shift the culture.

The relationship between Master Black Belts,Black Belts and Green Belts is well understood due to the intuitive nature ofthe titles. Getting just this much of the structure bolsters the success model.So what is the rest of the structure?

In most organizations they are referred to asChampions. If you ask people what a Champion does, they will quicklyreply,"they remove roadblocks." Superficially, that is true.Championsshould remove roadblocks. Champions need to be in a position to defuseany issues that may arise between a Black Belt and another person in theorganization, particularly if the issue is with someone with a higher formalposition in the company. The Champion should be the buffer that keeps aBlackBelt out of a head-to-head confrontation with Managers, Vice PresidentsandDirectors in the company, allowing Black Belts the freedom to focus ontheproblem, not engage in some inane territorial dispute. This is the mostfundamental function of the Champion.
在大部分组织里,他们被称为倡导者。 如果你问人们,倡导者是做什么的,他们会很快的回答:他们就是清除障碍。简单的说,这是对的。倡导者应该清除障碍。倡导者需要能平息可能来自黑带和组织内其他人的矛盾,尤其是这个人如果在公司有更高的正式职位的时候。倡导者应该作为一个缓冲器,来避免黑带和公司的经理、副总裁和总监们直接的对抗,使得黑带能自由的集中精力来解决问题,而不是在一些没有意义的领域来争执。这是倡导者最基本的职能。

The Extended Six Sigma Champion
One critical characteristic forsuccessfulSix Sigma Champions is that they are some hybrid of Henry Kissingerand Xena,the Warrior Princess. It may actually be easier to find the mutantoffspring of these two leaders than it is to find the complete Champion. Beingthe completeChampion requires more than diplomatic and warrior skill sets.Champions mustbe proficient in four other areas:
成功的6sigma倡导者的一个关键的特征是他们是Henry Kissinger和 Xena(战士公主)的结合体,事实上发现这两个领导者的变异的后代可能比发现一个完善的倡导者更容易。成为一个完善的倡导者需要的不仅仅是圆通的外交技能和勇敢的武士技能,倡导者还必须精通另外4个领域:

  1. Business and operationsinterface


  1. Project selection


  1. Pace mediation


  1. Results implementation


  1. Business and OperationsInterface

Champions should know the business they arein and at least be familiar with the technology1 used in the process. Black Beltsare the process/project subject matter experts. Champions must constantly guardagainst intruding into the process and offering solutions. One of the Champion'sprimary roles is to assure that operational level projects are aligned with thestrategic level business objectives. Project reviews should be conducted not asa tool to manage Black Belts but to assure that the project isprogressing asplanned and that the result will produce a result that resembles(and alignswith) the needs of the organization. It can also be an opportunity for Championsto identify other potential areas of improvement.

Many companies have invoked the Balanced ScoreCard to assure this alignment. It is a good tool to apply metrics toChampions.It can be used as a measurement tool to quantify the performance ofChampions inthis role.

  1. Six Sigma Project Selection

The basic task of assigning SixSigmaprojects remains an enigma for some reason. This is the most fundamentalskillof a manager with direct reports. When placed under the microscope ofmatching a project to a Black Belt, however, Champions will "stand frozenin the headlights." You have to wonder if it is truly such a difficulttask or ifit is the public nature of their decision that causes them somuchconsternation. We have seen Black Belts in report-out situations wheresometop-level manager will remark, "Who picked that project?" Thisgoesback to the Dr. Deming's eighth point: "Drive out fear."2 Thisseemingly innocuous remark will infuse fear deep into Champions' hearts.Insteadof viewing project selection as an opportunity to improve a part of theprocess,they perceive it as a potentially career-limiting opportunity. The managementstaff attending reviews should be coached by either their Six Sigma providers(consultants) or a person with a background in OrganizationalDevelopment (OD)on how to interact with the people involved in the report-out.

Again, alignment is the key. Iftheorganization truly understands and practices alignment, projectselectionbecomes less of a threat. Furthermore, if the alignment is augmentedwithprocess data it is an even easier task. The threatening question is defusedtobecome a discussion of the alignment methods or the data that was used.Thepersonal implications become a non-issue.

  1. Pace Mediation
At the onset of a Six Sigma deployment one ormore people are selected to generate a deployment plan. This seems to come fromone of two sources: the Six Sigma provider or the internal sponsor. There is aninherent issue with allowing a Six Sigma provider to formulate the plan: cost.If your Six Sigma provider is most concerned with enhancing their own financialposition, you could be in trouble. If your Six Sigma provider is more concernedwith creating a successful deployment and letting reputation provide theincremental business, you should be fine. In either situation it does not makemuch sense to abdicate complete control of company resources to a person withlimited scope of your business operations.3

One should also realize the risksassociatedwith choosing an internal sponsor. The resulting plan will be a direct functionof the sponsor's level of Six Sigma knowledge. Many organizations have taken tohiring an Internal Master Black Belt to lead the organizational charge. Therisk here is the same as previously mentioned: if the total deploymentexperience is one deployment, they still have a limited scope. It is the basiccalculation for a confidence interval using attribute data and a sample size ofone - it is better than zero but probably not asignificant difference. Theoptimum Six Sigma deployment plan is derived from acombination of an internalexpert (Business, Six Sigma and Change) and the SixSigma provider.

Once a plan has been generated and soldatthe C-Level it is difficult to modify. Internal people will rarely adjusttheplan. Very few deployments are initiated with metrics that quantifytheprogram's results and lead to a decision to accelerate or slow theprogram.Slowing a Six Sigma initiative too much may cause it to die - no senseofurgency will deprioritize any initiative regardless of which initiative itis.The real issue comes from a person or persons so committed to driving aplanthat they see only completion as the success metric. Frequently theseprogramsare quantified in terms of numbers of people trained. This will turnthe focusfrom a results-driven program to a training program.

When a plan is constructed it shouldhavegoals, specific targets that will increase customersuccess/satisfaction,competitive position, technology, etc. These should havemetrics. Meeting ornot meeting metrics should be analyzed, and adjustmentsshould be made to theprogram.

  1. Results Implementation
We have labeled Black Belts as Change Agents.Change agents inherit the responsibility for implementing projects with identifiedpotential savings. In many cases the Black Belt project willbecross-functional, and cutting across departmental lines can be hazardouswaters to navigate, not to mention the complete lack of formal authority thatthe Black Belt possesses in these situations. Green Belt projects may be lessprone to this ailment, but it may affect them as well.

When a project is completed it should have acalculated potential savings. The finance department of the organization, not theSix Sigma provider, should sign off on this number. The savings should not onlyhave a financial measurement but should also be time bounded. That number representsa reduction in wasted resources for the organization. It is a metric that theChampion should be held accountable for. If a project identifies a$50,000savings over the next 12 months and it produces only $25,000 because theChampion took six months to get involved in the implementation, then the metricshould reflect the lack of involvement. If the plan was executed perfectly andthe financial projection was inaccurate, a metric should be in place to reflectthat inaccuracy. Just as with anything else, the metrics will drive theperformance. If you want accurate projections and timely implementations, youhad better place a metric on them.

One of the biggest questions associated withSix Sigma project savings is "are they real." A decision to creditsoft savings opens the door to exaggerations. The audit functions in place incompanies today should be of a wide enough scope to assure the accuracy ofthese numbers whether they are from a Six Sigma deployment or any other programthat uses cost savings as a metric. The audit function does not necessarily liewithin the accounting or finance departments. The process of calculatingsavings may be well defined, documented and incorporated into some type ofQuality System (Business System) audit. Some of the larger companies haveinternal auditors who have been given responsibility for the accuracy of thesenumbers as well.

Champions have a much larger roleindeploying Six Sigma or any other initiative than just removing roadblocks.Thejob requires more than just this single task. Champions must be integratedintothe business, select projects accurately, adjust the speed of thedeployment asnecessary, and take responsibility for implementation.

Unless metrics are placed onallresponsibilities of a Champion, the organization is placing the deploymentatrisk. Failure to execute these tasks at even a minimal level can anddoespropagate turnover of the people your organization spent valuableresourcestraining.

1 Technology is used in its broadestgenericsense. This is not technology exclusively as it applies to amanufacturingprocess. It can be the intricacies of an accounting system or howa salesforecast is constructed.

2 The Deming Management Method byMaryWalton, Pedigree Books, 1986, page 72.

3 The book Dangerous Company:ManagementConsultants and the Businesses They Save and Ruin by James O'Shea andCharlesMadigan provides many insights into the potential hazards of employingtheservices of consultants.
危险的公司:管理顾问拯救和毁灭的企业,作者JamesO'Shea 和 Charles Madigan,在雇佣顾问服务方面提供了很多深刻的见解


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