
第四十三篇 Drudgery to Strategy—A Statistical Metamorphosis

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Drudgery to Strategy—A Statistical Metamorphosis苦役到战略——统计的质变
A strategy of experimentation can point you toward success一个能给你指出成功之路的实验策略
by Lynne B. Hareand Mark Vandeven
作者: Lynne B. Hare,Mark Vandeven

Think back to your Stats 101 course. You entered the first session laden withapprehension—induced by survivors’ horror stories—and your worst fears wereconfirmed. Early on, the professor said, "OK, boys and girls, today we’regoing to discuss t-tests and confidence intervals." And you sat therethinking you’d rather visit the dentist.
Tools andoccasional toy (artificial) problems characterize many introductory statisticscourses. To be sure, the professors are gifted, enthusiastic lecturers; manyhave great humor and human kindness in their veins. But still, the class dealtwith statistical tools suitable for fixed occasions.
At semester’s end,you knew about a bunch of tools you could resurrect if the right occasion everarose.
It never did.学期结束时,你了解了大量工具的用法,你能够在正确的时机灵活应用,而以前是不行的。

There’s no getting around the fact that statistics is a difficult subject. Thethinking is different from that of many other disciplines: It acknowledgesuncertainty, whereas others profess determinism. It runs counter to everythingwe are taught in algebra: "Solve for x, a fixed but unknownquantity."统计学是一门非常难的学科这是毫无争议的事实,它的思维是不同于其他学科的:统计学承认不确定性,而其他学科则要求确定性。这跟我们代数学到的是完全相悖的:求解x,是一个定值但是未知。

Further, statistical applications require following mathematical formulas ofwhich there are relatively few in political science, English, history orphilosophy. Even pure mathematics claims closure (not always true), which isabsent in statistics. The semester usually ends beforethe professor scratches the surface. And because the first semester lacks ahappy ending, many students are reluctant to proceed to a second.另外,统计应用需要遵循数学模型,这跟政治、语文、历史或哲学是不太相同的,尽管数学宣称已经结束了(但并不是总是如此),这些在统计学中是没有的。在学期结束的时候,教授通常会揭开谜底,但是因为第一个学期的课程缺乏乐趣,大多数学生不愿意再来一次了。
On the rise上升期Over the last twodecades, we’ve noticed statistical stock is rising at some companies. They maybe in the minority, but some top executives have begun to see statistics’strategic value.在过去20年里,我们已经注意到在一些公司里的统计股票在不断上升,他们可能只是少数,但是一些高管已经开始看到统计学的战略价值。

We believe this occurred because those executives witnessed very positive(read: dollars to the bottom line) results, especially when scientists andengineers used statistical methods to guide projects from highly uncertainproject beginnings to solid, successful and sustainable products and processes.To their internal statisticians, executives are saying, "I want more ofthat. Make it happen."我们之所以相信这些情况的发生是因为高管亲自目睹了积极的结果(阅读:美元底线),尤其是当科学家和工程师们应用统计方法将具有高度不确定性的项目转化为完整可信的,成功的合适的产品和流程的时候。高管们会对他们内部的统计学专家说:“我还想看到更多,来吧,让奇迹发生吧。”

"Egad," says the internal statistician. "Now what do I do? Allthat my colleagues learned from their statistics course was not to take anotherone. The only statistical methods they use come at the end of a project, whenthey compare the new prototype against the current product. And now I have tochange the organizational culture so people not only use the methods, but alsouse them upstream in the development process for guidance. I’d rather visit thedentist and have root-canal surgery!"
Well, this is notan appeal for long lines at dentists’ offices. Positive results can emerge fromsome lessons learned, if only by osmosis, in Stats 101. An appeal to intuitionreduces resistance to the notion that the t-test used to compare a sample meanto some hypothesized value is analogous to signal-to-noise, for example. Build on this to show that a reduction of noise makesit easier yet to hear the signal. Build on it further to show that the test canbe expanded to compare two sample means as in Stats101, chapter 3, but it’sstill signal to noise.
It is a bit of aleap from there to compare more than two treatment means, but it can be shownthat the guiding principle remains akin to signal to noise. Then, if you wantto compare multiple treatment means, wouldn’t it be wise to economize byrunning half the experimental treatment combinations on one material and theother half on another? Doing that introduces a two-way classificationpainlessly—almost. The discussion with colleagues dredges up their unpleasantmemories, true, but at least they form a base for intuitive appeal.
If you can studymultiple treatments and multiple materials, why not add multiple speeds? Nowyou have a three-way classification. Conceivably, you could add other factors,such as ingredient levels, machines and locations. Whoa! Wait a minute andthose experiments will get big in a hurry. Big experiments cost big bucks, andthey are logistically hard to control. Fu get about it!
To the rescue comethe two-level designs and their fractions. Don’t do multiple factor levels. Examineonly two levels per factor, and make those levels the extremes."Absurd," you say," some of those levels could be best!"重新规划2水平的结构设计,不要进行多因子多水平的设计。每个因子只验证两个水平,而且要选择极端的水平进行验证,你会说:“荒谬,一些水平可能是最好的了。”
"Right,"we say in appropriately humble rejoinder, "but we don’t even know whichfactors are important right now. Let’s experiment to find which factors aremost likely to drive success. We can hone in on levels in subsequentexperiments."我们很赞同的说:“对,但是我们现在不知道哪个因子才是最重要的,让我们进行实验来确认哪些因子是最容易成功的,我们会对其展开单独的多水平实验。”
This is the greatleap or paradigm shift—we move from comparing treatment or material A and B toestimating some thing called an "effect." The question has changedfrom "What factor level is best?" to "Which factors are mostimportant?"

"You mean I have to do more than one experiment?" you ask. Yes. Thefirst one or two identify which factors or combinations of factors areimportant. The next experiments help identify best levels among the importantfactors. It is a strategy for experimentation, and it has a higher success ratethan competitive approaches to experimentation such as spray and pray, tryeverything, and try your best hunch and hope you get lucky.

We see other advantages to the strategy of experimentation, especially as it isused to drive decision making upstream in the research process. For one, thecompetitive method of giving it your best shot and testing at the end simplytells you if you were successful. If you weren’t, you don’t know why.

The strategy of experimentation puts data behind your directional decisions soyou know, early in the experimental process, what path to take; there are noblind alleys. You gain product and process knowledge along the way.

The strategy of experimentation also provides trade-offs. If practicalconstraints block the path to using one combination of factors and their levelsfor success, there may be another combination that comes close. The data pointyou in the direction toward success.

We’ve found that those who use the strategy are successful and they feelliberated. To go back to the old methods would be like having more oralsurgery.


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