5S: The principle of waste elimination through workplace organization.Derived from the Japanese words seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke, which have been translated into English as sort, straighten, scrub, systematize, and standardize.
通过工作场所的重组来消除浪费。来源于日文:seiri(整理), seiton(整顿), seiso(清扫), seiketsu(清洁), shitsuke(素养),并转换为5个英文单词:sort(分类), straighten(理顺), scrub(清扫), systematize(系统化), and standardize(标准化).
5S: The principle of waste elimination through workplace organization.Derived from the Japanese words seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke, which have been translated into English as sort, straighten, scrub, systematize, and standardize.
通过工作场所的重组来消除浪费。来源于日文:seiri(整理), seiton(整顿), seiso(清扫), seiketsu(清洁), shitsuke(素养),并转换为5个英文单词:sort(分类), straighten(理顺), scrub(清扫), systematize(系统化), and standardize(标准化).
101 个回复
qouoww (威望:0) (山东 济宁) 电气/能源 经理 - 一个始终有着平常心的人
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