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GB/T 3681-1983 塑料自然气候曝露试验方法 Plastics--Test methods of exposure to natural weathering
GB/T 3682-1983 热塑性塑料熔体流动速率试验方法 Test method for melt flow rate of thermoplastics
GB/T 4217-1984 热塑性塑料管材的公称外径和公称压力 (公制系列) Thermoplastic pipes--Nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures--Metric series
GB/T 4610-1984 塑料燃烧性能试验方法 点着温度的测定 Test for flammability of plastics--Ignition temperature test
GB/T 5479-1985 塑料对应术语 Equivalent terms for plastics
GB/T 6672-1986 塑料薄膜和薄片厚度的测定 机械测量法 Determination of thickness of plastic film and sheeting by mechanical scanning
GB/T 7141-1992 塑料热空气暴露试验方法 Plastics--Methods of exposure to thermal air
GB/T 7142-1986 塑料长期受热作用后的时间-温度极限的测定 Determination of time-temperature limits of plastics after exposure to prolonged action of heat
GB/T 8323-1987 塑料燃烧性能试验方法 烟密度法 Test method for flammability of plastics--Smoke density test
GB/T 8324-1987 模塑料体积系数试验方法 Test method for bulk factor of moulding materials
GB/T 8332-1987 泡沫塑料燃烧性能试验方法 水平燃烧法 Test method for flammability of cellular plastics--Horizontal burning method
GB/T 8333-1987 硬泡沫塑料燃烧性能试验方法 垂直燃烧法 Test method for flammability of rigid cellular plastics--Virtical burning method
GB/T 9341-1988 塑料弯曲性能试验方法 Plastics--Determination of flexural properties of rigid plastics
GB/T 9342-1988 塑料洛氏硬度试验方法 Plastics--Determination of hardness by the ball indentation method--Rockwell hardness
GB/T 9343-1988 塑料燃烧性能试验方法 闪点和自燃点的测定 Test method for flammability of plastics--Flash-ignition temperature and self-ignition temperature test
GB/T 9344-1988 塑料氙灯光源曝露试验方法 Plastics--Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources (xenon arc lamp)
GB/T 9345-1988 塑料灰分通用测定方法 Plastics--Determination of ash--General methods
GB/T 13525-1992 塑料拉伸冲击性能试验方法 Test method for tensile-impact property of plastics
GB/T 14234-1993 塑料件表面粗糙度 Surface roughness for plastic parts
GB/T 14483-1993 塑料负载变形试验方法 Test methods for deformation of plastics under load
GB/T 14484-1993 塑料承载强度试验方法 Test method for bearing strength of plastics
GB/T 14486-1993 工程塑料模塑塑料件尺寸公差 Dimensional tolerances for plastic engineering moulded plastic pats
GB/T 14572-1993 热塑性塑料树脂产品检验规则及标志、包装、贮运规定 Rules for inspecting,marking,packing,storing and transporting of thermoplastic materials
GB/T 14694-1993 塑料压缩弹性模量的测定 Plastics--Determination of compressive elastic modulus
GB/T 15596-1995 塑料暴露于玻璃下日光或自然气候或人工光后颜色和性能变化的测定 Plastics--Determination of changes in colour and variations in properties after exposure to daylight under glass, natural weathering or artificial light
GB/T 16422.1-1996 塑料实验室光源曝露试验方法 第1部分:通则 Plastics--Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources--Part 1: General guidance
GB/T 16422.3-1997 塑料实验室光源暴露试验方法 第3部分: 荧光紫外灯 Plastics--Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources--Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps
GB/T 1034-1998 塑料吸水性试验方法 Plastics--Determination of water absorption
GB 1706-1993 二氧化钛颜料 Titanium dioxide pigments
GB/T 1709-1979 颜料遮盖力测定法 Covering power determination of dyestuff
GB/T 1710-1979 颜料耐光性测定法 Light resistance determination of dyestuff
GB/T 1866-1980 中性染料统一检验方法 Unified test method for neutral dyestuff
GB/T 2383-1980 染料筛分细度的测定方法 Determination of degree of fineness of dyes by screen analysis
GB/T 3182-1995 颜料分类、命名和型号 Classification, nomenclature and type for pigments
GB/T 3181-1995 漆膜颜色标准 Colour standard for paint film

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