

1. All parts produced off production tooling during the Run @ Rate meet GM's requirements for ongoing quality, as stated in PPAP.
2. The manufacturing process is in control.
3. The manufacturing process demonstrates the required capability.
4. The process control plan is sufficient to effectively meet the design record requirements (i.e., control points, frequency of checks, etc.).
过程控制计划应能有效地满足设计要求,(即控制点, 检验频率等)。
5. Nonconformance

Note: The total number of parts produced, the pieces rejected and the pieces reworked need to be documented on the summary sheet.

a) The non-conformances yielded by the process were identified by the normal PPAP control plan. If identified by the GP-12 Process Control Plan or an activity outside documented plans, corrective action is required.
生产过程中的不符合项可由一般的PPAP控制计划识别出来。如果是由GP12过程控制计划或是由其他措施认别出来,则要求修改PPAP 控制计划。
b) The PFMEA identified the potential failure modes. If not, the PFMEA needs to be updated and corrective action put in place. 生产过程中的不符合项在PFMEA中应有预见,若未能做到,则PFMEA需要更新并且要采取改进措施。
c) All rework and repairs effectively correct the nonconformance(s).
d) All prototype and pilot concerns, if any, have been corrected and validated.

Note: All of the preceding five requirements must be met to pass the Run @ Rate.
注 :上述所有要求都须合格才能通过 Run @ Rate。

1. Subcontractor(s)' abilities to meet the customer's quality and capacity requirements must be confirmed by the supplier prior to the Run @ Rate being conducted at the supplier's facility. Verification of the subcontractor(s)' manufacturing processes should be accomplished through a Run @ Rate or similar process conducted by the supplier.
在进行Run@Rate以前,供应商应该对分供方是否能满足用户的质量和数量要求进行确认。上述核实应由供应商采用Run @ Rate规程或相似的过程加以实施。
2. Controls must be in place to isolate incoming material until it has been approved.

Note: The preceding requirements must be met to pass the Run @ Rate.
注:上述要求都须合格才能通过 Run @ Rate。

1. In process and final shipment packaging will be reviewed for preservation of part quality and ease of use by supplier's operators loading and unloading parts. (Refer to GM 1738 for requirements.)
2. The supplier's method for in process and final shipping packaging and handling must effectively eliminate the potential for process errors or mixed stock.
在生产过程中及最终运输时所采用的包装及装卸方式应能有效地杜绝可能的程序差 错及混装。


A. Actual to Requirements. If the results of the actual manufacturing process do not meet customer requirements for on-going quality and quoted tool capacity, corrective action must be taken to correct any non-conformances.
B. Actual to Plan. If the manufacturing and quality plan do not agree with the actual process, changes must be made to bring them into agreement.
C. Nonconformances. If nonconformances occurred during the Run @ Rate which were not identified previously by the normal PPAP control plan, a corrective action plan needs to be put in place (i.e., error proofing or a change in the control plan) and documented in the PFMEA and/or process flow diagram.
如果在进行Run@Rate中,发生的不合格未能被一般的PPAP控制计划识别,必须采取纠正措施(即防错措施或修改控制计划),并在PFMEA或工艺流程图中记 录。
审 定
Upon completion of the Run @ Rate, the worksheets must be reviewed for completeness and a decision made whether or not to approve the review. The Run @ Rate can have one of three results: pass; open or fail.
Run @ Rate 一 结 束 , 应 审 查 工 作 记 录表 以 确 保 完 整 性 , 同 时 应 作 出 决 定 : 审 查 是 否 通 过 。 可 以 有 下述 三 种 结 果 之 一 : 通 过 , 待 定 , 失 败 。
A. Pass 通 过
1. Definition 定 义
Pass indicates that all Run @ Rate requirements were met. The supplier demonstrated the capability to produce parts that meet GM's on-going quality requirements at quoted capacity (net output). All key product characteristics were monitored and meet Cpk/Ppk requirements. GP-12 requirements were met. The supplier's actual manufacturing process agreed with the manufacturing and quality plan, as documented by the supplier in PPAP, GP-12 and other required documentation. Quality systems were documented and practiced. 通过意味着满足全部的Run@Rate的要求。表明供应商具备生产出符合GM现行质量要求的产品及具备所要求的生产能力。所有关键的产品性能是在监督测定并且满足CPK/PPK的要求。满足GP12的要求。供应商的实际制造过程符合制造和质量计划,这些规划由供应商记录在PPAP,GP-12和其它要求的文件中。质量体系有成文记录并切实执行。

B. Open 待 定

1. Definition Open indicates that some minor non-conformances to the requirements were found that need to be corrected. Examples of this are net output meets volume requirements but not quoted capacity; quality systems have minor deficiencies (i.e., preventative maintenance system lacking, lack of error proofing, incomplete or inadequate operator instructions/visual aids, operator training not complete, minor deficiencies in meeting customer's ongoing quality requirements).
定义:待定意味着产品的有些方面与所要求的稍有不一致,需要作改进。比如,产量符合客户数量要求但达不到报价声称的生产能力;质量系统有小缺陷(例:缺少预防性保养计划,缺少防错措施,操作规则等不完备或不合适,操作人员培训不 充分, 有些地方不符合用户 现行质量要求)。
2. Corrective Action Required A documented Action Plan to correct the non-conformances is required. At a minimum, it must include the name of the individual at the Supplier who is responsible for implementing the Corrective Action and the timing and validation of the Corrective Action Plan. This plan is due to the GM Run @ Rate Supplier Quality Engineer for approval, within two (2) business days of the completion of the Run @ Rate.

3. Verification of Corrective Action GM verification of successful completion of the corrective action plan can be accomplished in several different ways, for example, through correspondence, a part review or a plant visit. Generally an additional Run @ Rate is not required. Once the Corrective Action plan is successfully completed, the Supplier Quality Engineer will change the Run @ Rate result from open to pass.

C. Fail 失 败

1. Definition Fail indicates a serious non-conformance exists that requires significant action by the supplier to correct, such as quality systems are not in place and serious non-onformances exist; Ppk values (Cpk values) do not meet requirements for KPC’s; or supplier fails to meet Volume Requirements. An additional Run @ Rate will be required.
定义:“失败”意味着存在着严重的不一致的地方,要求供应商采取一些重大的措施来加以改进。这些不一致有:质量系统不存在并有严重不一致质量问题存在,关键产品特性的Ppk值(Cpk值)达不到KPC的要求,或者供应商达不到产量要求,因此 要求 重新作Run @ Rate。

2. Corrective Action Required A documented Action Plan to correct the non-conformances is required. At a minimum, it must include the name of the individual at the Supplier who is responsible for implementing the Corrective Action and the timing and validation of the Corrective Action Plan. This plan is due to the GM Run @ Rate Supplier Quality Engineer for approval, within two (2) business days of the completion of the Run @ Rate.
需做的改进措施:要求有一个成文的改正这些偏差的措施。并且,它应包括供应方负责执行整改措施、控制进度及考核成效的人员名单,该计划的要由GM负责Run@Rate评审的供应商质量工 程师来审核,并在 Run @ Rate结束后两天内完成。

3. Verification of Corrective Action. Once the Corrective Action plan is completed, the Supplier Quality Engineer will schedule the new Run @ Rate to verify the successful implementation of the corrective action plan.


VIII. Supplier Monitored Run @ Rate Additional Requirements
供应商监督下的Run @ Rate的附加要求

A. All Run @ Rate requirements identified in Sections IV. V, VI and VII of this procedure apply to both supplier monitored and customer monitored Run @ Rates.
所有在本程序第IV、V、VI、VII节中对Run@Rate的要求不论是供应商监督或是由用户监督下的Run @ Rate均适用。
Note: The scheduled date for the Run @ Rate must be approve by The Supplier Quality Engineer.
注:由供应商监督的Run @ Rate的日期安排应得到供应商质量工程师的认可。

B. Since a customer representative will not be present during the Run @ Rate, the following must be completed.
由于用户代表将不参加Run @ Rate,因此供应商应该完成以下工作。

1. Within twenty-four hours of completing the scheduled Run @ Rate, the supplier must complete the Run @ Rate Summary and Worksheets (Attachments A and B) and provide them to the responsible customer Supplier Quality Engineer, with a recommendation for the result of the Run @ Rate.
在完成Run@Rate以后24小时内,供应商应写出Run@Rate总结及工作表(附录A和B)并将其交给用户方负责人供应商质量工程师,并对 Run @ Rate 的结果 提出某些建议。
2. In addition, if any non-conformances were identified, the supplier will develop and implement a corrective action plan, using Sections VI and VII as reference. Within two days of completing the scheduled Run @ Rate, the supplier will provide this information to the responsible customer Supplier Quality Engineer.
另外,如果发现有不一致的地方,供应商应参照第VI、VII节的要求,制定并实施改进计划,并在完成Run @ Rate两天内,将该信息通知用户方负责人供应商质量工程 师。
3. Based on the information provided by the supplier, the customer Supplier Quality Engineer will:
a) Determine whether the Run @ Rate results in a pass, open or fail.
确 定 运 行 结 果 是 通 晕 , 待 定 还 是 不 通 过 。
b) Review and approve the corrective action plan.
审 批 改 进 措 施 计 划
c) Determine the need for an additional Run @ Rate.
确 定 是 否 需 要 再 作 Run @ Rate
d) Communicate the results of the above review to the supplier.
将 上 述 审 查 结 果 驼 知 供 应 商
4. If the result of the Run @ Rate is open or fail, the process described in Section VII applies.
如 果 Run @ Rate 的 结 果 是 待 定 或 失 败 , 则 第 VII 节 的 内 容 将 适 用 。

EZY2005 (威望:11) (广东 东莞) 电子制造 员工 - 专业管理,专职体系,专心品质!推行TS16949...



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