(校稿任务) 第九十四篇 Close the Loop with the Customer, Part Two
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Close the Loop with the Customer, Part Two
Thou shalt not say, ‘Not my job, man’
In “Close the Loop with the Customer, Part One,” we left off with Amla, the CEO of a large company, laying down what he called “commandments” for dealing with any problem brought by customers or agents. The commandments are based on lessons learned from an agent’s complaint for not receiving her sales commission but are relevant in almost any business in any industry.
在“建立起与客户沟通的良性循环机制,第一章”中,我们讲到了公司CEO Amla制定了客户或销售员抱怨的处理要求。虽然这个要求是从销售员抱怨没收到佣金总结而来,但几乎对各行各业同样适用。
Recount and reasons
To recount, the company was losing customers in droves. An auditor in the company, Dev, discovered one reason was because issues were being obscured by performance charts and documentation of taken procedures indicating that processes were working and departments were running at Six Sigma efficiency. Everyone was working hard to make their measures look good, but most of the charts merely conveyed that an individual or her department had done their parts.
This can be dangerously misleading because senior management doesn’t get to know the real picture. If you don’t get to know this, obviously this can’t be a focus area for your company.
Dev had performed a random sample audit of the company’s complaint-resolution process, and the complaint that happened to be picked was from the agent who hadn’t received her commission for sales during the previous month. The complaint was tagged as resolved and closed in the company’s customer relationship management system (CRM) . Dev called the agent to confirm her receiving the commission, but in fact she had not received the money or any word from the company since she first complained. So in her opinion, this complaint hadn’t even begun to be resolved.
The company had tagged the complaint as resolved without actually resolving it from the customer’s perspective, and without even bothering to check with the person who had complained. No one in the company was looking at this issue end to end.
Commandments (lessons learned)
1. 客户说问题解决了才算解决。在客户确认问题解决前决不能把抱怨备注为已解决关闭结案。换句话说就是要建立起与客户的良性沟通互动。每个公司都要建立起这样做的切实可行办法,如例行的沟通确认、客户随机调查确认他们的问题是否解决。对于抱怨必须和客户确认一致后才可以备注已解决关闭。
For the company in this story, once the commandments were in place and enforced, gradually its culture started changing. People began taking ownership of customer issues until they were actually resolved from the customer’s perspective. The behavioral and cultural change was a slow process, but little by little, customers and market share started coming back. Everyone in the company realized the importance of closing the loop with customers to retain their customers and market share.
Arun Hariharan
Arun Hariharan is a quality, knowledge management, and performance management practitioner. He has worked with business leaders of several large companies and helped them achieve substantial and sustained results through quality and customer focus. His is currently president of quality and knowledge management at Reliance Capital, India. Hariharan is a frequent speaker at quality and knowledge management events around the world. E-mail him at arun_hariharan@rediffmail.com.
Arun Hariharan从事于质量、知识管理以及绩效管理。他曾和一些大公司的高层合作过,帮助他们在质量以及顾客导向方面实现了大量的成果。他现在在印度的一家管理公司就职质量及知识管理董事长。Hariharan频频出席于世界各地的质量及知识管理活动演讲。你可以联系他的邮箱:arun_hariharan@rediffmail.com.
Close the Loop with the Customer, Part Two
Thou shalt not say, ‘Not my job, man’
In “Close the Loop with the Customer, Part One,” we left off with Amla, the CEO of a large company, laying down what he called “commandments” for dealing with any problem brought by customers or agents. The commandments are based on lessons learned from an agent’s complaint for not receiving her sales commission but are relevant in almost any business in any industry.
在“建立起与客户沟通的良性循环机制,第一章”中,我们讲到了公司CEO Amla制定了客户或销售员抱怨的处理要求。虽然这个要求是从销售员抱怨没收到佣金总结而来,但几乎对各行各业同样适用。
Recount and reasons
To recount, the company was losing customers in droves. An auditor in the company, Dev, discovered one reason was because issues were being obscured by performance charts and documentation of taken procedures indicating that processes were working and departments were running at Six Sigma efficiency. Everyone was working hard to make their measures look good, but most of the charts merely conveyed that an individual or her department had done their parts.
This can be dangerously misleading because senior management doesn’t get to know the real picture. If you don’t get to know this, obviously this can’t be a focus area for your company.
Dev had performed a random sample audit of the company’s complaint-resolution process, and the complaint that happened to be picked was from the agent who hadn’t received her commission for sales during the previous month. The complaint was tagged as resolved and closed in the company’s customer relationship management system (CRM) . Dev called the agent to confirm her receiving the commission, but in fact she had not received the money or any word from the company since she first complained. So in her opinion, this complaint hadn’t even begun to be resolved.
The company had tagged the complaint as resolved without actually resolving it from the customer’s perspective, and without even bothering to check with the person who had complained. No one in the company was looking at this issue end to end.
Commandments (lessons learned)
- The customer must say it’s resolved. Never tag a customer’s complaint or query as “resolved” or “closed” until the person who complained says so. In other words, close the loop with the customer. Every company must figure out the most practical way to do this—e.g., for routine queries and requests, a random sample of customers may be contacted (independent of the person or department that listed the issue as resolved in the CRM system) to confirm if their queries were resolved. For complaints, every complaint must be close-looped with the customer before tagging it as resolved.
1. 客户说问题解决了才算解决。在客户确认问题解决前决不能把抱怨备注为已解决关闭结案。换句话说就是要建立起与客户的良性沟通互动。每个公司都要建立起这样做的切实可行办法,如例行的沟通确认、客户随机调查确认他们的问题是否解决。对于抱怨必须和客户确认一致后才可以备注已解决关闭。
- Don’t consider it resolved just to make your charts look good. Before tagging a complaint as resolved, ask yourself, “Resolved for whom—your department or the customer” Are you saying resolved based on some action that puts the ball in someone else’s court, but doesn’t yet resolve the issue for the customer Are you saying resolved to make some interdepartmental measurement charts look good
- Take end-to-end responsibility. Do not pass the buck. For each type of query, request, or complaint, one person must be responsible for the end delivery to the customer. This person must be accountable to the customer. This person must have end-to-end responsibility. Often, the person will need to cut across departmental boundaries, but remember the customer does not (and must not) care about your internal departmental structures. The person responsible for end delivery to the customer must have internal service-level agreements with others within or outside the company on whom they depend for ultimate delivery to the customer.
- Give the same person the right and the responsibility. The person who has the right to tag a complaint as resolved must be responsible for hearing from the customer that the problem has been resolved. This can bring a huge competitive advantage. The very fact that some competitors think this cannot be done is an opportunity for others who do—and will.
- Do not generalize. Instead, look at each specific case. (Remember how the branch manager in part one says that the finance department never sends the payments on time, without even bothering to look at the individual case)
- Talk to the customer even if you cannot fulfill his request. Even when we cannot do what the customer is asking for, explain the reasons to the customer and close the loop. Experience shows that most customers appreciate the company getting back to them, even if their request cannot be fulfilled.
- Talk to each other; don’t make the customer repeat the story. People (often from different departments) from the company must continuously talk to each other while resolving a customer’s problem. Do not make the customer repeat her story every time she speaks to somebody from the company.
- Fix the issue, not the blame. Always remember the customer doesn’t care whose fault it is. The customer is only interested in getting his problem resolved. Fix the issue without getting into a blame game.
- Let the customer decide the medium of communication. The customer will decide how she wants to communicate with the company—via email or phone, or by visiting the office. Do not tell or ask the customer to use any other way of communicating. (Oftentimes customers who call are asked to send an email or visit the office; or a customer who walks into an office may be asked to contact the company’s call center.) Leave the choice of communication to the customer. As far as possible, close the loop using the same medium—e.g., a customer sending an email would expect an email response. For more serious issues or complaints, additionally, a phone call to the customer to confirm resolution would always be appreciated by the customer.
- Take ownership of the issue and continue to be responsible and proactive. Do not try to dodge the issue by putting the ball back in the customer’s court. If you need something from the customer to be able to resolve the issue, go to the customer and get it, but don’t stop until the customer tells you the issue is resolved.
- Make sure your processes are defined end to end from the customer’s perspective. The easiest (but useless) way to run a process at Six Sigma efficiency is to cut out the customer and eliminate everything that is “outside my control.” (In part one the last step in the commission process must be agent receiving the commission, not someone “dispatching” the commission. If this was done in the example in part one, Linus’ process efficiency would no longer be at Six Sigma.)
For the company in this story, once the commandments were in place and enforced, gradually its culture started changing. People began taking ownership of customer issues until they were actually resolved from the customer’s perspective. The behavioral and cultural change was a slow process, but little by little, customers and market share started coming back. Everyone in the company realized the importance of closing the loop with customers to retain their customers and market share.
Arun Hariharan
Arun Hariharan is a quality, knowledge management, and performance management practitioner. He has worked with business leaders of several large companies and helped them achieve substantial and sustained results through quality and customer focus. His is currently president of quality and knowledge management at Reliance Capital, India. Hariharan is a frequent speaker at quality and knowledge management events around the world. E-mail him at arun_hariharan@rediffmail.com.
Arun Hariharan从事于质量、知识管理以及绩效管理。他曾和一些大公司的高层合作过,帮助他们在质量以及顾客导向方面实现了大量的成果。他现在在印度的一家管理公司就职质量及知识管理董事长。Hariharan频频出席于世界各地的质量及知识管理活动演讲。你可以联系他的邮箱:arun_hariharan@rediffmail.com.
2 个回复
小编D (威望:9) (广东 广州) 互联网 员工 - 记住该记住的,忘记改忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不...