
Learning to speak English the inexpensive way

Speaking English is much more difficult to do and master than reading or writing English. To converse effectively we must be able to choose the right words within a very short period of time and deliver these words with correct grammar and pronunciations. This takes a lot of work and practice. Nowadays there are many online classes that may help. Following is what I did when I first arrived in America many years ago, which could be the least expensive way to enhance our English speaking capability.

At that time every foreign student coming from non English speaking countries must take speech lab lessons. In the speech lab we were provided a tape recorder with pre-recorded lessons and a textbook. And, we were required to purchase a reel of 7” 3M tape to record and compare our pronunciations of the words, sentences and paragraphs against those pre-recorded lessons and make corrections. The lab was open 24 hours a day, and we could walk in to practice whenever we had time. A number of weeks later, improvement was obvious. Will this work for you?

洛客 (威望:13) (海外 海外) 咨询业 总监


本帖最后由 洛客 于 2013-1-24 16:16 编辑

According to a Rand Corporation's report, Chinese don't take risks. 龚海燕 could be one the many exceptions.

I agree to the comment: 太贵了吧。网络课程受网速影响大,个人感觉还是face to face 的模式好点。

从美国等外语国家建立培训老师社区,在中国建立一个学生培训社区,然后把两个社区链接起来,构成消费,加以监管,就可以收钱啦。 I think this is exactly what she is trying to do.

For your info, my Ivy League professor friends are teaming up to teach English to the very young (kindergarten and primary school level) 富二代 in Beijing.

Are you going to give it a try at 91waijao School? Afterwards, hope you can share with us what you have learned.

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