挪威奥斯陆/德国汉堡— 一项有关DNV和GL合并的协议已于2012年12月20日签署,将成立DNV GL集团,这将是全球领先的船级社、石油和天然气领域以及可再生能源和电力领域的全球领先的风险管理专家,以及全球领先的三大管理体系认证机构之一。
“该合并是基于充分的战略考量,因应日益全球化发展的趋势、快速发展的技术和可持续发展的挑战。我们的客户将受益于由此增加的服务和增强的全球竞争力,以及更密集的全球服务网络,” DNV集团首席执行官麦恒力(Henrik O. Madsen)如此表示,他将担任合并后新公司的首席执行官。“与DNV的合并有助于实现我们的长期目标,即被认可为世界上最受尊敬的技术保障和顾问公司之一。”GL集团CEO Erik van der Noordaa补充道。
DNV和GL合并以后的新公司将成为全球领先的具有最先进的技术专长和强大的创新能力的独立的技术服务机构之一。拥有超过17,000名员工和广泛的全球网络,DNV GL集团将更好地应对日益激烈的国际竞争,更好地服务客户。
DNV董事会主席Leif-Arne Langøy表示,“我们认为这是一个很好的战略匹配,两家公司有相同的价值观而且优势互补。两者都具有强大的品牌和稳固的市场地位,在质量和诚信方面声誉卓著。 DNV和GL曾在1999/ 2000年和2006年进行过有关合作的磋商。我很高兴现在正是我们合作的良机。”
Mayfair股份有限公司主席Guenter Herz表示,“DNV是GL的首选合作伙伴。除了DNV对汉堡的明确承诺,我们有关这次合作的决定是基于DNV和GL的互补性以及两家公司在创新和质量方面的共同追求。作为一个长期投资方,我们认为这种伙伴关系是我们成功投资GL的延续。”
DNV GL集团将加强其在多个专业领域的立足点,包括海事领域以及石油和天然气领域的整个价值链。该集团将是管道验证和资产完整性服务,以及在可再生能源认证和咨询服务方面的全球领导者之一。此外,DNV GL 集团将是输配电领域以及测试和认证服务方面的全球领军企业。为了进一步提升服务能力,该集团将加强其在研发和创新方面的投入。
DNV GL集团的营运领域将包括海事、石油与天然气、能源和认证服务。它的全球总部将设在挪威首都奥斯陆郊外的霍恩克。
DNV GL集团海事业务总部将设在德国汉堡,同时将维持其对挪威海事簇群的承诺。石油和天然气业务的总部将设在挪威的霍恩克,能源业务的总部将设在荷兰阿纳姆,认证业务的总部设在意大利米兰。 DNV GL集团将在挪威注册为有限责任公司(AS)。本次交易需要获得竞争监管机构的批准。
日期: 21 December 2012
DNV and GL to merge
Hamburg/Oslo, 20. December 2012: An agreement has been signed to merge DNV and GL. The new entity will be called DNV GL Group. It will be one of the world’s leading ship classification societies and risk experts in the oil and gas, renewable energy and power sectors, and among the global top three within management system certification.
“The merger rests on a strong strategic rationale, and responds to challenges of increased globalisation, rapid technological change and the need for sustainable development. Our customers will benefit from an increased service offering and global competence base as well as one of the densest networks,” says DNV’s Group CEO, Henrik O. Madsen, who will be the CEO of the combined new company. “The merger with DNV supports our long-term goal of being recognized as one of the most respected technical assurance and advisory companies in the world”, adds GL Group CEO, Erik van der Noordaa.
By combining the two international organisations, the new company will be one of the world’s leading independent technical service providers with state-of-the-art technological expertise and strong capabilities for innovation. With more than 17.000 employees and an extensive global network of offices, DNV GL Group is positioned to meet increased international competition and even better serve the needs of the customers.
The DNV Foundation will hold 63.5 %, while GL’s owner Mayfair SE will hold 36.5 % of the shares. The new company, with a combined turnover of some EUR 2.5 billion, will be headquartered and registered in Norway.
“We see this as a good strategic match. The two companies have a common set of values and complementary strengths. Both have strong brands and solid market positions as well as a reputation for high quality and strong integrity. There were negotiations between DNV and GL both in 1999/2000 and in 2006 about closer cooperation. I am very pleased that timing now seems to be right,” says Leif-Arne Langøy, the Chairman of DNV’s Board of Directors.
“DNV is the partner of choice for GL. Besides DNV’s clear commitment to Hamburg our decision for this partnership is based on the complementary fit of DNV and GL as well as the joint ambition for innovation and quality of both companies. As a long-term oriented shareholder we consider this partnership to be the continuation of our successful investment in Germanischer Lloyd,” says Guenter Herz, Chairman of Mayfair SE.
DNV GL Group will strengthen its foothold in several areas of expertise, including the maritime segment and across the entire oil & gas value chains. The Group will be one of the global leaders in pipeline verification and asset integrity services as well as in renewable energy certification and advisory services. Moreover, it will be a strong player within power transmission and distribution as well as testing and certification services. To enhance its service offering the DNV GL Group will strengthen its focus on R&D and innovation.
DNV GL Group will operate in the business segments Maritime, Oil & Gas, Energy and Business Assurance. Its global headquarters will be at Høvik outside of Oslo.
The maritime business unit will be headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, while maintaining its commitment to the Norwegian maritime cluster. Oil & Gas will be headquartered at Høvik, Norway, while Energy will be headquartered in Arnhem, the Netherlands and Business Assurance in Milan, Italy. DNV GL Group will be organised as a Norwegian limited company (AS). The transaction requires approval from competition authorities.
Date: 2012-12-20
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