The story of blind piano tuner 陈燕
本帖最后由 洛客 于 2013-3-24 15:12 编辑
I was deeply touched by her story on TV. 陈燕 suffered from severe cataract and was totally blind when she was born. She was abandoned by her parents and brought up by her grandmother. Through years of strenuous practicing and training to overcome enormous amount of hardship, she has distinguished herself as an outstanding piano tuner and is now a heartily welcomed speaker throughout China.
只有真正的努力,才有精采的人生 – 洪涛,CCTV4; 朋友,您说呢?
I was deeply touched by her story on TV. 陈燕 suffered from severe cataract and was totally blind when she was born. She was abandoned by her parents and brought up by her grandmother. Through years of strenuous practicing and training to overcome enormous amount of hardship, she has distinguished herself as an outstanding piano tuner and is now a heartily welcomed speaker throughout China.
只有真正的努力,才有精采的人生 – 洪涛,CCTV4; 朋友,您说呢?
5 个回复
乐呵木棉 (威望:0) (广东 广州) 计算机相关 其它 - 组织企业的CMMI5、ISO9001:2008认...
心情很复杂,一边着急,没信心,另一边心理 却不服输,不想放弃。特别当看过英语资料后,去尝试写作而无法下笔组织句子时绝望的心态就更严重。英语对我来说实在是个头大的问题!!(?