
(校稿任务) 第108篇 Combine ISO 50001 with ISO 14001 and Drop the GHG Provision

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Combine ISO 50001 with ISO 14001 and Drop the GHG Provision
结合ISO 50001与ISO 14001并且减少温室气体的排放

Green manufacturing delivers bottom-line results

The ISO 14001 environmental management systems (EMS) standard and the new ISO 50001 energy management systems (EnMS) standard are complementary, synergistic, and mutually supporting systems for improving stakeholder value. ISO 50001’s proposed reference to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction is, however, dysfunctional.
ISO 14001环境管理系统标准和新的ISO 50001能源管理系统标准是为了提高利益相关者价值的互补的,相互促进的,相互支持的系统。然而ISO 50001对减少温室气体的推荐的参考意见是功能失调的。

This article recommends that the two standards be combined in practice if not in actual fact, and that the GHG focus be removed. It will begin, however, by citing the proven results of world-class environmental and energy management.

Henry Ford developed green manufacturing during an era when he could have legally thrown into the nearest river whatever waste wouldn’t go up his smokestack—and he paid attention to that, as well. As stated by Upton Sinclair in The Flivver King (Charles H. Kerr Publishing, 1937), “He perfected new processes—the very smoke which had once poured from his chimneys was now made into automobile parts.” The truth behind this statement might have been Ford’s use of charcoal to adsorb and recover paint solvents that would have otherwise been burned and vented to the atmosphere, with the result that one gallon of purchased solvent did the work of 10.
亨利福特在一个纪元的时候提出了绿色制造,当时他可以合法的将任何废物排进最近的河里并且不会被吃进他的胃里——但他仍然注意到了绿色制造。就像厄普顿﹒辛普森在《廉价小汽车国王》(查理斯 H.可儿出版,1937年)一书中所说的,“他完善了新的工艺流程——以前从他的烟囱里冒出来的大量的烟现在制作进了汽车部分。”这句话背后的事实大概是福特用活性炭来吸收和回收本来是会烧掉然后排放到空气中的涂料溶剂,因此购买一加仑的溶剂相当于10加仑。

Anything that was thrown away or even recycled (such as metal waste from machining operations) drew immediate attention; the phrase “it worried the men” appears frequently in this context, as Edwin Norwood mentions in Ford: Men and Methods (Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1931) . The organization found ways to process and sell waste ranging from slag from blast furnaces (as cement and paving material) to wood chips (Kingsford Charcoal after distilling the wood chemicals) . Ford’s primary focus was, however, on ways to avoid making the waste in the first place.

Ford’s proven results in the language of money are an excellent selling point for both ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. Distillation of waste wood yielded $12,000 per day in the money of the 1920s, or enough to pay 2,000 workers the relatively high wage of $6 a day. In Today and Tomorrow (Doubleday, Page & Co., 1926), which Ford wrote with Samuel Crowther, Ford also described how he got coke for his steel mill for literally less than nothing. Coal cost $5 per ton, but Ford recognized the enormous waste of burning it for fuel as delivered: “When one thinks of the precious elements which have been consumed for decades on the furnace grates, all going up in smoke and being lost to human use, it becomes clear that the new method has not come too soon,” he wrote. A coking process yielded coke suitable for fuel and steel production, along with valuable coal chemicals, which were collectively worth $12 per ton.
福特在金钱的语言上被证实的成就对ISO 14001和ISO 50001来说是一个很棒的卖点。提取废木头的收益是十九世纪二十年代的每天12,000美元,足够支付2000名工人相对来说很高的每天6美元的周薪。在《今天和明天》(双日出版社,页面公司,1926),福特用塞缪尔﹒克劳瑟写的书中,福特也描述了他怎样为他的钢厂得到几乎不要钱的焦炭。煤5美元每吨,但是福特发现了燃烧煤作为燃料在交付时的巨大浪费:“当一个人想到这些珍贵的元素在炉子上被消耗了几十年,都随着烟上升并且消散在人们的使用中,那么很明显的,新的方法还没有那么快的出现,”他写到。一个焦炭的工艺流程产出适合燃烧和钢产品的焦炭,连同贵重的煤化学品,共值12美元每吨。

This concept is particularly relevant today because sulfur dioxide, a contributor to acid rain, is subject to environmental regulations. The obvious approach is to scrub it from the stack gases at added cost to the user. The profitable approach, as demonstrated by Ford, is to remove the sulfur during the coking process and sell it as ammonium sulfate. This yields a saleable product instead of what ISO 14001 would call an “environmental aspect.” This kind of thinking can, in combination with ISO 14001, contribute substantially to the bottom line. It is also necessary to recognize that material and energy conservation go hand in hand, which means ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 should be used synergistically to achieve the best results.
在今天,这个概念是有十分重大的意义的,因为二氧化硫,酸雨的成因,对环境的管理是有害的。最明了的方法就是把净化烟道气体的成本加诸于消费者身上。最合算的方法,就像福特所说的,就是在制作过程中去掉硫并且把它作为硫酸铵卖掉。这将带来一个可销售的产品而不是ISO 14001所说的一个“环境状况”。结合ISO 14001,这种想法可以从本质上对底线起作用。原料和能源的保护是相辅相成的,也就是说想要达到最好的效果,ISO 14001和ISO 50001必须协同作用,认识到这一点也是必须的。

Material and energy conservation are inseparable agendas

Standard evaluation of any chemical process includes a material and energy balance in which resource inputs must balance the process’s outputs. This forces all waste streams to become visible, which encourages chemical engineers to look for ways to use the waste or avoid its production in the first place. The analysis pays explicit attention to energy that is carried by material streams, and chemical engineers look for ways to recover this energy as well.

The material and energy balance concept can be extended to discrete manufacturing processes by paying attention not only to the bill of materials (BOM) or process inputs, but also to everything that is thrown away, such as spent cutting fluids and metal chips from machining processes. I have recommended a bill of products or bill of outputs to force this waste to become visible. In summary, the frequent interrelation between material and energy waste suggests combining ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 in practice, if not in the actual wording of the standards, for maximum results. The GHG aspect is, however, a counterproductive distraction.
原料和能源平衡的概念可以被延伸到离散型生产过程中,通过不仅是注意材料清单或者过程输入,还有注意被扔掉的一切事物,例如用过的切削液和来自机械过程中的金属屑。我建议用一个产品清单或者输出清单来迫使废弃物变得可见。总的来说,在实践过程中,在原料和能源浪费之间频繁的相互关系建议结合ISO 14001和ISO 50001来得到利益最大化,如果不是在实际的标准措辞中。然而,温室气体是一个不利于生产的因素。

The GHG agenda is counterproductive

I believe GHG reduction to be a politically correct agenda that has no place in sound business decisions. Its evident purpose is to enrich special interests that wish to trade in carbon credits or sell renewable energy products or services that cannot pass a Net Present Value analysis without government support or intervention. (See Gillibrand Kirsten’s “Cap and Trade Could be a Boon to New York,” in the Oct. 21, 2009, edition of the Wall Street Journal.) Diverting hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars in economic resources to “fight global warming” is quite likely to emulate King Canute’s futile command that the tide not come in. It must be noted that the world has gotten into and out of several ice ages with no anthropogenic intervention whatsoever.

It is in fact socially irresponsible to buy carbon offsets, or pay extra money for cost-inefficient renewable energy. Stakeholders such as employees, suppliers, customers, and investors must pay for this waste in one form or another, and waste of stakeholder resources is poor stewardship by definition. Purchase of a carbon offset can even pay for the same energy waste twice: first through elimination of any perceived need to address the inefficiency itself, and second through the purchase of what is essentially a medieval indulgence for sins. I prefer to pay for waste not even once.

It is meanwhile good practice to limit performance metrics to as few as possible, and the carbon footprint does not belong on the list when far superior techniques are available. Wasted energy from noncarbon sources is invisible to a GHG metric, but it cannot hide from a material and energy balance. No material or energy waste can hide from this powerful analytical technique.

Any activity that reduces energy waste, whether in the factory or from inefficient logistics and transportation, will however also reduce GHG emissions if the energy in question comes from fossil fuels. Identifying and eliminating all forms of energy waste, regardless of the energy source, is therefore the right thing for the right reason: improvement of value for all the enterprise’s stakeholders, which is genuine social responsibility.


William A. Levinson

William A. Levinson, P.E., is the principal of Levinson Productivity Systems P.C. He is an ASQ Fellow, a certified quality engineer, quality auditor, quality manager, reliability engineer, and Six Sigma Black Belt. Levinson is the author of Henry Ford’s Lean Vision: Enduring Principles from the First Ford Motor Plant (Productivity Press, 2002) . He holds degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering from Penn State and Cornell Universities, and night school degrees in business administration and applied statistics from Union College.


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My email is 335144017@qq.com. I will finish it on Augest 31th.

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