
哪位達人幫忙看看MTB中計數型Gage R&R怎麼解釋?

Attribute Agreement Analysis for Rating

Each Appraiser vs Standard

Assessment Agreement

Appraiser # Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI
Duncan 15 8 53.33 (26.59, 78.73)
Hayes 15 13 86.67 (59.54, 98.34)
Holmes 15 15 100.00 (81.90, 100.00)
Montgomery 15 15 100.00 (81.90, 100.00)
Simpson 15 14 93.33 (68.05, 99.83)

# Matched: Appraiser's assessment across trials agrees with the known standard.

Fleiss' Kappa Statistics

Appraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
Duncan -2 0.58333 0.258199 2.25924 0.0119
-1 0.16667 0.258199 0.64550 0.2593
0 0.44099 0.258199 1.70796 0.0438
1 0.44099 0.258199 1.70796 0.0438
2 0.42308 0.258199 1.63857 0.0507
Overall 0.41176 0.130924 3.14508 0.0008
Hayes -2 0.62963 0.258199 2.43855 0.0074
-1 0.81366 0.258199 3.15131 0.0008
0 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
1 0.76000 0.258199 2.94347 0.0016
2 0.81366 0.258199 3.15131 0.0008
Overall 0.82955 0.134164 6.18307 0.0000
Holmes -2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
-1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
0 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
Overall 1.00000 0.131305 7.61584 0.0000
Montgomery -2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
-1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
0 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
Overall 1.00000 0.131305 7.61584 0.0000
Simpson -2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
-1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
0 0.81366 0.258199 3.15131 0.0008
1 0.81366 0.258199 3.15131 0.0008
2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
Overall 0.91597 0.130924 6.99619 0.0000

Cohen's Kappa Statistics

Appraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
Duncan -2 0.59459 0.236029 2.51916 0.0059
-1 0.16667 0.258199 0.64550 0.2593
0 0.44444 0.253733 1.75162 0.0399
1 0.44444 0.253733 1.75162 0.0399
2 0.44444 0.214687 2.07020 0.0192
Overall 0.41989 0.124410 3.37506 0.0004
Hayes -2 0.63415 0.240299 2.63899 0.0042
-1 0.81481 0.253733 3.21131 0.0007
0 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
1 0.76190 0.250774 3.03822 0.0012
2 0.81481 0.253733 3.21131 0.0007
Overall 0.83051 0.131482 6.31652 0.0000
Holmes -2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
-1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
0 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
Overall 1.00000 0.131305 7.61584 0.0000
Montgomery -2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
-1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
0 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
Overall 1.00000 0.131305 7.61584 0.0000
Simpson -2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
-1 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
0 0.81481 0.253733 3.21131 0.0007
1 0.81481 0.253733 3.21131 0.0007
2 1.00000 0.258199 3.87298 0.0001
Overall 0.91620 0.129708 7.06354 0.0000

Kendall's Correlation Coefficient

Appraiser Coef SE Coef Z P
Duncan 0.87506 0.192450 4.49744 0.0000
Hayes 0.94871 0.192450 4.88016 0.0000
Holmes 1.00000 0.192450 5.14667 0.0000
Montgomery 1.00000 0.192450 5.14667 0.0000
Simpson 0.96629 0.192450 4.97151 0.0000
Between Appraisers

Assessment Agreement

# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI
15 6 40.00 (16.34, 67.71)

# Matched: All appraisers' assessments agree with each other.

Fleiss' Kappa Statistics

Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
-2 0.680398 0.0816497 8.3331 0.0000
-1 0.602754 0.0816497 7.3822 0.0000
0 0.707602 0.0816497 8.6663 0.0000
1 0.642479 0.0816497 7.8687 0.0000
2 0.736534 0.0816497 9.0207 0.0000
Overall 0.672965 0.0412331 16.3210 0.0000

Cohen's Kappa Statistics

You must have two appraisers and single trial per appraiser to compute Kappa.

Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance

Coef Chi - Sq DF P
0.966317 67.6422 14 0.0000
All Appraisers vs Standard

Assessment Agreement

# Inspected # Matched Percent 95 % CI
15 6 40.00 (16.34, 67.71)

# Matched: All appraisers' assessments agree with the known standard.

Fleiss' Kappa Statistics

Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
-2 0.842593 0.115470 7.2971 0.0000
-1 0.796066 0.115470 6.8941 0.0000
0 0.850932 0.115470 7.3693 0.0000
1 0.802932 0.115470 6.9536 0.0000
2 0.847348 0.115470 7.3383 0.0000
Overall 0.831455 0.058911 14.1136 0.0000

Cohen's Kappa Statistics

Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
-2 0.845748 0.111974 7.5531 0.0000
-1 0.796296 0.115073 6.9199 0.0000
0 0.851852 0.114675 7.4284 0.0000
1 0.804233 0.114014 7.0538 0.0000
2 0.851852 0.111440 7.6441 0.0000
Overall 0.833320 0.057990 14.3700 0.0000

Kendall's Correlation Coefficient

Coef SE Coef Z P
0.958012 0.0860663 11.1090 0.0000
NOTE Single trial within each appraiser. No percentage of assessment
agreement within appraiser is plotted.

Attribute Agreement Analysis

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