

谈到统计过程控制系统(SPC),可能很多企业管理者都已经把它和ISO相提并论,认为也是一个花瓶而已,不能帮企业解决实际的问题在于 , 其实 ISO 原本也并非是花瓶,只是问题在于系统执行的人而已,在外国企业中 , 按文件的规定进行相关的操作是一件理所当然的事情,这可能跟国外的人比较讲游戏规则有关 , SPC 也是一样,如果在管理上不作为的话, 也的确容易成为摆设, 就如某些企业买了世界顶级的ERP产品SAP , 但是在管理上却根本不作任何的变化 , 如何能够让系统发挥作用,所以SPC会不会成为花瓶的第一关, 就是领导关, 企业上层必须给予重视, 否则失败的可能性非常大 , 让大家觉得系统的用处不大。

说起 SPC 软件系统,国外和国内的供应商都有不少 , 但是如何选择一套合适的系统却是非常重要 ,其直接决定项目能否成功 , 企业在选择系统之前 , 一定要对SPC 有一定的了解 ,至少要知道SPC的作用 ,它的基本工作原理 , 同时也要了解清楚企业的需求 , SPC 系统主要解决的问题是过程的控制 ,如关键工序的关键的输入输出量的监控 ,工序中缺陷的控制,如果要用它来解决设备问题 , 或是其它的问题 ,则不是SPC能够解决的 , 如果企业已清楚以上的问题 , 那么就涉及到具体如何选择软件系统的问题了 , 以下是在选择 SPC软件系统必须要考虑到的一些关键问题 :

1、首先要考虑到的一点是,能否适应企业的产品结构,有时企业可能没有考虑公司的产品结构,在开始上系统时才发现不合适, 如企业的产品类有几百,甚至上千中,系统能否实现, 而且在操作上不会很难实现;

2、 软件的流程是否合理,顺畅 , 是否适合标准的质量管理模式,如预防纠正措施等活动在系统有无体现 ;

3、因为系统的底层操作操作是大部分企业是由员工完成的 , 所以是否容易方便的使用,如进行数据录入的工作, 如果操作很繁琐 , 则会导致运行时的隐性成本非常高 ,这包括操作的时间,新进员工的培训等, 而且影响系统的运行效率,
所以易用性是企业必须要考虑的问题,例如,现在很多企业用EXCEL 做的SPC 的控制,虽然无需花钱买软件系统, 但是运行成本太高;

4、选择软件系统时,要考虑的另外一点就是运行时 ,管理工程人员在设置时是否容易实现,否则在运行时会带来很大的麻烦;


eternitymc (威望:0) (天津 南开区) 电气/能源 工程师



Generally, an OCAP may have one of the three following formats:
a.Decision tree in flow chart form or simple box diagrams, showing diagnostic journey,with remedies.

b.Narrative explaining the diagnostic, containmentand corrective actions.

c. Interactive computer dialogue that appears when an out–of–control situation occurs, to lead the operator through the
diagnostics and remedies.

In either case, the software must be extensively reviewed to make sure it conforms to Motorola’s requirements. Generally, the software must conform to the following criteria:
— Motorola’s standards, as described in this booklet, are used to
calculate the center line, control limits, Cp, Cpk and instability indices.

— Must signal an alarm for corrective
action and verify action is documented
before process can be resumed.

— The rules to determine out–of–control
conditions must conform to local
organization requirements, as

— Must be able to record and recall
corrective actions.

— Does not automatically revise the
control limits.

— Has a password to prevent unauthorized
change of data and control limits.
This is about test decription:

Cyclic pattern:
repeating cycles are observed in the control
charts. Such a pattern on an x chart may result from a
systematic change such as temperature, operator fatigue,
regular rotation of operators and/or machines, fluctuation in
voltage or pressure, etc.... R charts will sometimes reveal
cycles because of maintenance schedules or tool wear
resulting in excessive variability.

indicated when the plotted points tend to fall near the
control limits, with relatively few points near the center line. A
mixture pattern is generated by two or more overlapping
distributions generating the process output. The severity of this
pattern depends on the extent to which the distributions
overlap. Sometimes mixtures result from “over–control,” where
operators make process adjustments too often to respond to
random variation rather than assignable causes.
Shift in process level: process average shifts to a new level.
These shifts may result from introduction of new operators,
methods, raw materials, machines, etc. They also could be
from a change in inspection methods or standards or from a
process improvement.

continuous movement in one direction. Trends are
usually due to a gradual wearing out or deterioration of a tool
or some other critical process component. Trends also can
result from seasonal influences such as temperature.
Stratification: the plotted points have a tendency to cluster
around the center line. One potential cause of stratification is
incorrect calculation of control limits. This also may mean the
process is getting better by having a narrower distribution. In
either case, the control limits should be re–evaluated.

the plotted points have a tendency to cluster
around the center line. One potential cause of stratification is
incorrect calculation of control limits. This also may mean the
process is getting better by having a narrower distribution. In
either case, the control limits should be re–evaluated.

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