

"A Measurement Systems Analysis evaluates the test method, measuring instruments, and the entire process of
obtaining measurements to ensure the integrity of data used for analysis and to understand the implications of
measurement error for decisions made about a product or process. A Measurement Systems Analysis considers;
selecting the correct measurement and approach, assessing the measuring device, assessing procedures &
operators, assessing any measurement interactions and calculating the measurement uncertainty of individual
measurement devices and/or measurement systems.
  • An MSA study shall be completed for all gages.
  • Gage error shall be less than 20% to be deemed acceptable. "

Jack小倪 (威望:10) (江苏 苏州) 汽车制造相关 质量工程师

赞同来自: yuan23 elvis zhutaixiang123

It's so easy. I give you some suggests here below.
Collection all information about your measuring tools(type 、model、version)
Setting up the list, including all information you collected(measuring tools、gages and checking fixtures)
Marking the label which should be visible and legible on the tools one by one,
Setting up the MSA planning (According to requirements, doing GRR only) for all measuring tools the list contained.
Download the excel for GRR, and filling fucking full off the form.

The only things you need to remember is tractability, that is key point.

I don't believe that you can finish all task in one week.
It's better to get counterfeit one.

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