
9,June,Monday(pay more attention to you behavior)

Last night, I took my son to learn Weiqi, It needs 2 hours, to dispose the time, I went to a KFC to have a rest.there is a few people in it, so it's very quiet. I am listening the light music and reading a book.It was a good time.
a few minutes later, there were 2 women come in, they sat near by me and start to have a gossip. they speak more and more loudly, the whole room could listen to her clearly. It spoiled my mind. I spoke to her "please speak low" ,she replied to me "It's a public place, none of your business" " It's a public place, so you need pay more attention to your behavior."

Shirley_Hou (威望:10) (广东 惠州) 电子制造 主管


I totally agree with you.

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