8D is one kind of weapon or tool to solve the problem, it’s logical &
critical thinking method;
8D is not myth or magic to deal with everything;
Previous experiences showed that most of the 8D report is nothing,
which is not 8D’s fault, but Man’s fault who used the 8D ;
People’s understanding of 8D and enterprise good system and
management will be helpful to implement 8D and be successful ; Not just talk about it, just do it!!!
15 个回复
comdon (威望:3) (浙江 宁波) 汽车制造相关 工程师
赞同来自: tina19910904 、lijun2198 、小zhang
critical thinking method;
8D is not myth or magic to deal with everything;
Previous experiences showed that most of the 8D report is nothing,
which is not 8D’s fault, but Man’s fault who used the 8D ;
People’s understanding of 8D and enterprise good system and
management will be helpful to implement 8D and be successful ;
Not just talk about it, just do it!!!