Requirement要求: 7.2.2 Review of requirements related to the product
The organization shall review the requirements related to the product. This review shall be conducted prior to the organization's commitment to supply a product to the customer.
Records of the results of the review and actions arising from the review shall be maintained (see 4.2.4).
Failure失效: Some contract review process were not performed effectively. And some review results were not remained properly. 有些订单评审没有有效执行。有些评审记录没有保留。
Evidence证据 (including quantified justification if minor如果是轻微项应包括量化的判断):
For example, for the new product no.YEFX04A0410A, some sale order for mass production, the review records were not remained properly. It's hard to trace if the customer's requirements were well communicated before releasing to the production planner, e.g., the sales order dated 24/07/2014, and the order dated 29/09/2014, etc. 如,新产品YEFX04A0410A, 有些量产订单,评审记录没有保留,很难追溯,在准备生产计划前,客户要求是否有效沟通,
Notes: 6 more sales orders were reviewed and not found the same deviations, so it was classified as a minor.
The organization shall review the requirements related to the product. This review shall be conducted prior to the organization's commitment to supply a product to the customer.
Records of the results of the review and actions arising from the review shall be maintained (see 4.2.4).
Failure失效: Some contract review process were not performed effectively. And some review results were not remained properly. 有些订单评审没有有效执行。有些评审记录没有保留。
Evidence证据 (including quantified justification if minor如果是轻微项应包括量化的判断):
For example, for the new product no.YEFX04A0410A, some sale order for mass production, the review records were not remained properly. It's hard to trace if the customer's requirements were well communicated before releasing to the production planner, e.g., the sales order dated 24/07/2014, and the order dated 29/09/2014, etc. 如,新产品YEFX04A0410A, 有些量产订单,评审记录没有保留,很难追溯,在准备生产计划前,客户要求是否有效沟通,
Notes: 6 more sales orders were reviewed and not found the same deviations, so it was classified as a minor.
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