春夜喜雨 A welcome Rain One Spring Night
好雨知时节, A good rain knows its season
当春乃发生。 And comes when spring is here;
随风潜入夜, On the heels of the wind it slips secretly into the night,
润物细无声。 silent and soft, it moistens everything.
野径云俱黑, Now clouds hang black above the country roads,
江船火独明。 A lone boat on the river sheds a glimmer of light;
晓看红湿处, At draw we shall see splashes of rain-washed red--
花重锦官城。 Drenched, heavy blooms in the City of Brocade.
归园田居 On Returning to Live in the Countryside
少无适俗韵, From youth I was never made for common life,
性本爱丘山。 My nature was ever to love the hills and mountain.
误落尘网中, By mischance I fell into the dusty world
一去三十年。 And, being gone, stayed there for thirteen years.
羁鸟恋旧林, A captive bird longs for the woods of old,
池鱼思故渊。 the fish in the pond dreams of its native river.
开荒南野际, So I have returned to till this southern wild,
守拙归园田。 To a simple life in my own fields and garden.
方宅十余亩, Two acres of land surround my home,
草屋八九间。 My thatched cottage has eight or nine bays,
榆柳荫后檐, Willow and elm shade the courtyard.
桃李罗堂前。 Peach and plum spread in front of the hall.
暧暧远人村, dim, dim in the distance lies the village,
依依墟里烟。 Faintly, faintly you see the smoke of its chimneys.
狗吠深巷中, A dog barks deep in the long lane,
鸡鸣桑树颠。 The cock crows on the top of a mulberry tree.
户庭无尘杂, There is no dust and no confusion here,
虚室有余闲。 In these empty rooms, but ample space to spare.
久在樊笼里, So long have I lived inside a cage!
复得返自然。 Now at last I can turn again to Nature.
好雨知时节, A good rain knows its season
当春乃发生。 And comes when spring is here;
随风潜入夜, On the heels of the wind it slips secretly into the night,
润物细无声。 silent and soft, it moistens everything.
野径云俱黑, Now clouds hang black above the country roads,
江船火独明。 A lone boat on the river sheds a glimmer of light;
晓看红湿处, At draw we shall see splashes of rain-washed red--
花重锦官城。 Drenched, heavy blooms in the City of Brocade.
归园田居 On Returning to Live in the Countryside
少无适俗韵, From youth I was never made for common life,
性本爱丘山。 My nature was ever to love the hills and mountain.
误落尘网中, By mischance I fell into the dusty world
一去三十年。 And, being gone, stayed there for thirteen years.
羁鸟恋旧林, A captive bird longs for the woods of old,
池鱼思故渊。 the fish in the pond dreams of its native river.
开荒南野际, So I have returned to till this southern wild,
守拙归园田。 To a simple life in my own fields and garden.
方宅十余亩, Two acres of land surround my home,
草屋八九间。 My thatched cottage has eight or nine bays,
榆柳荫后檐, Willow and elm shade the courtyard.
桃李罗堂前。 Peach and plum spread in front of the hall.
暧暧远人村, dim, dim in the distance lies the village,
依依墟里烟。 Faintly, faintly you see the smoke of its chimneys.
狗吠深巷中, A dog barks deep in the long lane,
鸡鸣桑树颠。 The cock crows on the top of a mulberry tree.
户庭无尘杂, There is no dust and no confusion here,
虚室有余闲。 In these empty rooms, but ample space to spare.
久在樊笼里, So long have I lived inside a cage!
复得返自然。 Now at last I can turn again to Nature.
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