【MSA】全自动测量仪器再现性怎么做? 手册解读请教高手
MSA 手册后面术语部分有一段话如下,请教各位大神,这个应该怎么解读?
The variation in the average of measurements caused by a normal
condition(s) of change in the measurement process. Typically, it has
been defined as the variation in average measurements of the same part
(measurand) between different appraisers (operators) using the same
measuring instrument and method in a stable environment. This is often
true for manual instruments influenced by the skill of the operator. It is
not true, however, for measurement processes (i.e., automated systems)
where the operator is not a major source of variation. For this reason,
reproducibility is referred to as the average variation between-systems
or between-conditions of measurement.
The variation in the average of measurements caused by a normal
condition(s) of change in the measurement process. Typically, it has
been defined as the variation in average measurements of the same part
(measurand) between different appraisers (operators) using the same
measuring instrument and method in a stable environment. This is often
true for manual instruments influenced by the skill of the operator. It is
not true, however, for measurement processes (i.e., automated systems)
where the operator is not a major source of variation. For this reason,
reproducibility is referred to as the average variation between-systems
or between-conditions of measurement.
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gameoverztq (威望:59) (上海 ) 贸易或进出口 工程师