50 parts from a single batch
Number the parts 1,2,...
Part preparation must be o.k.
Create a production environment
Set the machine up to produce parts to specification midpoint
Warm up the machine
Produce the parts sequencially
No adjustments, no tool changes etc.
One person to inspect all parts
Always measure features in the same position
Record all values, including flyers
2 个回复
Sol_Sun (威望:68) (山东 青岛) 机械制造 MBB/质量总监/专家 - 精益六西格玛、质量管理、AUKOM、GD&...
赞同来自: michaelchen521
50 parts from a single batch
Number the parts 1,2,...
Part preparation must be o.k.
Create a production environment
Set the machine up to produce parts to specification midpoint
Warm up the machine
Produce the parts sequencially
No adjustments, no tool changes etc.
One person to inspect all parts
Always measure features in the same position
Record all values, including flyers