Transistors in digital circuits operate similar to a light switch. They turn the current on and off. This on/off switching is how information is managed, and controls how information is stored in a microchip. Electronic circuits consist of two parts. One is the switch, a device that starts and stops the flow of electrical current by either completing or breaking the circuit's pathway. The other is the wire, the circuit pathway which connects the switches to form the circuit.
Materials through which electricity flows with relative ease are called conductors. Copper and other metals are examples of conductive materials. In contrast, a material that does not allow electrons to flow through it is called an insulator, for example, glass. Semiconducting materials are unique because they can be both an insulator and a conductor. Hence the term, semi-conductor. A transistor is formed with semiconducting areas that allow the flow of electricity and insulating areas that don’t allow the flow of electricity.
Transistors are the fundamental building blocks of a microchip, and are built on a silicon base. Silicon is one of the most common elements on Earth, and its unique electrical properties have made it the most commonly used semiconductor.
Transistors in digital circuits operate similar to a light switch. They turn the current on and off. This on/off switching is how information is managed, and controls how information is stored in a microchip. Electronic circuits consist of two parts. One is the switch, a device that starts and stops the flow of electrical current by either completing or breaking the circuit's pathway. The other is the wire, the circuit pathway which connects the switches to form the circuit.
Materials through which electricity flows with relative ease are called conductors. Copper and other metals are examples of conductive materials. In contrast, a material that does not allow electrons to flow through it is called an insulator, for example, glass. Semiconducting materials are unique because they can be both an insulator and a conductor. Hence the term, semi-conductor. A transistor is formed with semiconducting areas that allow the flow of electricity and insulating areas that don’t allow the flow of electricity.
Transistors are the fundamental building blocks of a microchip, and are built on a silicon base. Silicon is one of the most common elements on Earth, and its unique electrical properties have made it the most commonly used semiconductor.
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yinwoyouyou (威望:0) (北京 大兴区) 电子制造 质量工程师