

Tubing galore
MEDICAL: Working together with Novo Nordisk at beginning of the 1990s, SP Medical developed a tool and automation concept for the manufacture of a dispenser of hormone replacement therapy tablets for women.
The product is in two parts: a rod onto whose tip the tablet is “clicked”, and a tube containing the rod and tablet.
Novo Nordisk set up production facilities at their Hjorring factory and has since supplied half the market, with SP Medical supplying the other half. Over the past few years, SP Medical has markedly improved the supply security, quality and documentation of the product, and against this back-drop, Novo Nordisk decided to outsource its own production to SP Medical in February 2005.
The move was planned for and started in March 2005; two new production cells in Karise were tested and approved in October 2005.
It took a relatively long time to move production, but the strict standards for the production of medical devices mean that all processes and machines must be tested and documented at the new site before the products can be approved.
At the same time, it is a production of several hundred million parts per year. Such high-volume manufacturing makes special demands on process safety and security and requires an extensive running-in process.

hanhuijuan (威望:0)



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